Chapter Eighteen :Not Over Yet

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Credit to creator! 

Uraraka POV

I walked silently back to my room, not wanting to wake anyone up. I knew Deku had good intentions on keeping it a secret. Honestly, I agreed with him. Who knows what rumors would fly around, and Bakugou might bully Izuku even more. I frowned at the thought. I hated Bakugou for being so mean. I guess to be completely  fair . . . I didn't know what anyone was going through, and maybe he had a rough childhood or family life? But he was just so mean to everyone. . . I shook my head. I'm getting way off topic. Anyway, I think we can talk about the relationship later. Relationships aren't supposed to be stressful anyway, I'm sure everything will turn out just fine. 

I stopped at my door and took one last sigh before I opened it and fell onto my bed. Everything is going to be fine. I told myself. I was going to become a hero, and I was going to become a hero with Deku. 


The next day my alarm woke me up in a startle, and I hopped out of bed, rubbed my eyes for a good minute, then wandered into my bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. As the water ran dow my face, I looked up into the mirror and smiled . . . I wonder what Deku is doing right now. . .

Deku POV

(The transition am I right?

I just finished brushing my teeth and grabbed my uniform to change into. And before I left, I looked in the mirror, attempting to pat down my messy and fluffy hair, but it just popped right back up. I sighed and smiled a bit before leaving my room. 

I took the lift down and started to eat my banana for breakfast. And as I was about to walk out of the door, I hear someone call my name. 

"Midoriya!" Iida calls me. 

"Oh, hi Iida." I say and we begin walking to school together. 

A silence passed, bu then Iida spoke. "Is it not crazy to you that we even made it here? I mean there were hundreds of people at the entrance exam and yet here we are, becoming heroes." Iida said. 

"Hm, I guess so . . . why do you mention it?" I asked confused. 

"We should focus on becoming heroes then, right? Thats what we were here for. To become the worlds greatest heroes. . . we have the best teachers and all the tools you would need are right here in our school . . ." Iida drifted his voice. 

"What do you mean?" I asked still confused. 

"I know, you asked me if you should pick up Uraraka. And I told you it was proper. But once you guys came home so late .  . . It made me wonder . . . if you perhaps have other more important things to worry about rather than becoming a hero?" 

I almost stopped walking. He . . . I guess I really though Iida would support us? "What do you know?" I asked Iida. 

"I know you two are more than friends. I see it all the time now, and it has influenced you to come back past curfew. And I have feeling that won't be the last time you break the rules for her." Iida said, and he looked straight forward not making any eye contact. 

I didn't want to disappoint Iida, he was my friend after all. And I felt terrible that he found out before I could tell him. "Iida, I promise, we won't do another single thing to break the rules, you have to give us a chance." 

"I did." Iida said. "You are my friend, Midoriya. But I have to do what is right. And now I'm going to tell Aizawa before you two get too close. As the saying goes, you just have to rip the band aid off." He began walking faster towards school. To . . . to expose us?! But I just made sure Uraraka kept it a secret! 

"Iida wait!" I called to him running.  "Before you go . . . please." He finally stopped to hear what I have to say. "We are good friends. Were here for more reasons than becoming a hero. Were living our high school years. We need to have a little bit of fun too. Please Iida don't do just what you think is right . . . do something for me, for your friend. I would do the same for you." 

He stops and pushes up his glasses. "Fine Midoriya, I will not tell anyone." He nodded. "I trust you, and I trust you won't make any more bad decisions, and you must be professional." 

"Okay, thank you Iida." I said. 

"Hi guys!" That sweet familiar voice said. 

"Uraraka, hi." Iida said, she waved at him and then looked at me. 

She smiled wide and walked closer to me. But I didn't want Iida thinking that we could break any rules . . . he just said we should be professional. So I had to take a step away. "Oh . . ." Ochaco said sadly. So she took a step in towards the side walk too, and looked down, it seemed like she was thinking about something. I just wanted her to look at me, so I could at least apologize with my face. Iida caught my eye, and nodded. Almost as if saying, this is how it needs to be if you don't want teachers finding out. But I just ignored him this time. And looked back forward. 

Every so often, I would glance at Uraraka's hand, but I just couldn't grab it. Not here, not now, not in front of the school . . . I'm so sorry Ochaco. 

Uraraka's POV 

I'm so confused! 

First he doesn't want to hold my hand when we walked in yesterday, and now he can't even walk next to me? Why do I feel so rejected? And heartbroken? And even angry? I shook my head, and nothing even happened really. Am I just being way over dramatic? I didn't know how relationships work. Was this normal? It didn't feel like it though . . .

 Either way I'm sure Izuku has his reasons. It still hurts though. I can't even tell Mina about this because she would just say she was right, but I'm not letting Deku go that easily. Its a small bump in the road of our relationship and I'm not giving up when we have one single problem. And he needed to know that. So I looked at him, smiled and nodded. 

Deku POV 

I took at deep breath, hoping I didn't hurt her feelings too much. But then the most amazing thing happened, she looked up to me, and smiled. It was the most heart warming thing all day. Even when I hurt her . . . she would smile for me? What did I do to deserve such a wonderful person? 

Cya in a few days! 

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