Chapter Seventeen :Don't Tell Anyone Mina!

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Super cute picture, credit to creator!! 

Were doing it. Omg. Im continuing a story a year later. I dont even have a proper plot for this, Im just yoloing. XD

Deku POV

"Even if we get in trouble," She paused, and grabbed my hand, my eyes met hers and she said, "It was all worth it."

My heart beated warmly at the sound of her words. We walked hand in hand, all the way to the door, but then, not wanting any of our classmates to know, I dropped my hand. Uraraka looked over, slightly saddened, but she nodded as she understood that we weren't ready to confess to the entire class. 

Thankfully only two people were there as we walked in, just Kaminari and Iida, the class rep. 

"Well, well, well. Look who it is." Kaminari said as they walked in. He crossed his arms and leaned onto the couch. 

"Where have you two been?! Do you have any idea what time it is?" Iida asked them. "Well I can tell you its much past curfew!" 

I looked at Uraraka and pursed my lips. "Yes, Iida, we know. Were sorry class rep." Ochaco and I bowed, to hopefully show that we were sorry. 

"Wait, were you two on a--" Before Kaminari could finish, Mina burst through the door. 

" . . what was she doing out there?" Kaminari mumbled, and I agreed. What was she doing all alone? She was with us for the fight, but after that she didn't go back home?

"You too! Where have you been?" Iida yelled at her. "You guys will get in a lot of trouble for being out past--" 

"Yes, yes, we knoooow class rep. Okay? We get it." Mina said, putting her hands up. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to go to my room."  She began walking away, but stopped then looked behind her. "Oh no, Ochaco, you're coming too, we have a lot to talk about!" 

I didn't know why Mina was taking Ochaco, but when Ochaco looked back at me and smiled, it made me smile too. 

"Get to bed Midoriya," Iida told me. "It's late already." 

I nodded quickly and ran to the elevator. 


I plopped onto my bed, as happy I as could be, really. The date was far from ideal, but perfect in my mind. Everything was going right. I was becoming the hero that I always wanted to be, and I had the perfect girlfriend, and great friends. What could go wrong? 

Uraraka POV 

"MMMMMM. GIRL." Mina said as we entered her room. "I SAW EVERYTHING." 

"Quiet Mina, people are sleeping." I told her. "And I don't know what you're talking about." I said shyly. 

"Mhm, sure you don't." Mina sighed and plopped onto her bed. 

"Mina . . . you weren't . . ." I started, and all of a sudden, I got this horrid feeling that she was stalking Deku and I the entire date. "Please tell me, you decided to respect our privacy, stay home, and let me come back to tell you what happened?"

"Girl. If you thought I did that, we can't be friends. Of course I stalked you guys! That's what friends are for Ochaco." Mina winked at me. 

I face palmed. "Mina." 

"What? Now anyway, you gotta explain though. Because everything was fine and dandy you guys went on you're date, all good." She put her hands up. "I'm all good with that. But then. I saw Deku just . . . saying some things I didn't even know could come out of his mouth! I mean here, let me repeat it to you." She straightened her invisible tie. "I . . . I want us to be happy and healthy together--" 

I looked down blushing, how could this get more embarrassing? "Okay, Mina. Thats enough." I stopped her. This was bad. This was actually really bad, because Deku and I wanted to keep the relationship a secret. How could Deku trust me if I couldn't do one thing for him? And Mina wasn't exactly the most trust worthy person to ask not to spill. "Mina, I have to ask you a favor." 

 "What it is?" She leaned on the back of the bed and looked unfazed, but she still had the smiled she usually did. 

  "You can't tell anyone about Deku and I, okay?" I asked. 

"Pffffffffffft." She burst out laughing, fell off the bed and continued laughing on the floor. "You can't be serious. Deku asked you?" 

"Well, I mean he let go of my hand before he walked--" She cut me off. 

"Yeah I know, I was there remember?" Mina reminded me. She got back onto the bed. "So you felt like he didn't want everyone to know?" 

"I guess yeah. The vibe was, 'we don't need everyone to know yet." I said, and I prayed this one time she would keep her promises. 

 "Usually when your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to keep the relationship a secret . . . it can mean . . . I dunno. Sometimes that's a red flag. I'm not saying he's going to do bad things, but isn't it weird that he doesn't want to embrace the relationship?" Mina asked me. And she was serious this time. "Weren't you sad when he let you of your hand because he cant suck it up and tell people?" 

A quick pause before I answered, "You are over thinking this Mina." I replied. "Just don't tell anyone, I can handle this okay. Deku and I will talk again. Just please don't tell anyone." 

"Ugh, fine. But I'm sure everyone would support it anyway." Mina sighed and rolled over to her side. "Wouldn't it be a pain to try to hide your feelings to everyone?" 

"Mina. Stop trying to convince me. The decision was already made. Now get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow." I said, and I clicked the door closed behind me. 


Kind of a short chapter, and I apologize for that, just trying to get back into the mood of writing. I hope you guys liked the chapter. I wanted to make it good since this was pretty much the comeback chapter. I dunno, see you guys in a few days with a new one. ;)

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