Chapter Nine

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How's school/work going for you guys? 

Third Person POV 

"We're here." Aizawa said with a expressionless face. While the rest of the class except uraraka and Midoriya we're cheering.  

Uraraka and Izuku both woke up from their nap, blushing because they realized they we're sleeping on each other. 

Everyone loaded off the bus, and met around Aizawa. 

"Girls." He points right. "Boys." He points left. "That's where you will be sleeping. Tents are already set up. Please no more then three per tent." 


"It's not overnight." 

"What?" The class asked. 

"It's for a few days."


~Time Skip~

The class separated into their areas, deciding who to share a tent with. 

Uraraka decided to share a tent with Asui and Mina. 

She unpacked most of her stuff, which wasn't much. Not fit for a few day trip, but what could she do now?

Iida invited Izuku to be in the same tent as him, so the two boys unpacked their stuff and met up with the rest of the guys. 

"So what say we go head to the beach?" Kirishima asks the guys. 

Everyone nods, and Mineta says, "I can't wait so see all the girls and their naked bod-"

Iida scolded him for his behavior while everyone else headed to the beach. 

~Meanwhile Girls side~

"Guys we should go to the beach!" Toru exclaimed all the girls agreed, and changed into their bikinis and walked to the beach together, and already saw all the guys. 

"Oh hey guys!" Uraraka yelled to them. 

The rest of the girls waved, and jumped into the water. 

Everyone was having lots of fun, having splash wars, and building sandcastles. 

"Guys we should totally have a volleyball tournament!" Kaminari yelled to the group, and everyone nodded.  

They decided to stay in water because it was nice, so they all imagined an invisible line. 

Girls vs. boys. 

The boys and girls of class 1a huddled together to make a plan. 


"Alright guys what's the plan to dominate the guys?" Mina asked the group. 

"Hmm ribbit. We should make sure to cover as much area as possible. That way anywhere they hit the ball, we can make sure it doesn't hit the water. Ribbit." Tsuyu said. 

"That's a great idea Tsuyu!" Uraraka happily praised. 

"yeah, but they would be expecting that . . ." Jiro said. 

"You're right Jiro, we should do something none of them will ever see coming!" Toru exclaimed. 

"How do we do that?" Momo asked. 

"Im not quite sure ribbit." Asui said. 

"Could we use the water to our advantage?" uraraka asked. 

"That could be a smart idea . . ." Momo said.

"But how?" Jiro asked. 

"Well, Tsuyu good with the water . . . that could be helpful." Mina chimes in. 

"I got it!" Exclaimed Toru. 

Everyone leaned in to hear her idea. 

"Okay, so we purposefully leave a spot open, so the guys will want to hit it there, but what they don't know is Tsuyu can be hiding underwater! And when they throw it over and see its about the hit the water, and they will 'score a point.'" She says with air quotes, though no body could tell. "Then when their laughing and making fun of our so called stupid mistakes, Tsuyu pops out of water, and hits it right over to their side when they least expect it!" 

Everyone nodded and began to  assemble. 


"whats the game plan boys~" Aoyama says. "I know one thing, I want to be the spotlight~" He says  posing. 

Everyone rolled their eyes. 

"It would be smart to cover more area." Iida suggests. 

"Yeah I agree." Kaminari says. 

"So split up around our area?" Kirishima asks. 

"Yes, I believe if we cover everywhere they will aim, we cannot lose." Tokoyami says. 

"Hmm . . . alright I guess that sounds alright." Izuku tells the group. 

Everyone gives each-other one finally nod and gets ready to start the game. 

"You ready?" Mina shouts to them. 

The boys smirk. "duh!" Kirishima calls to them. 

"Just because we're nice and kind, warmhearted human beings you guys can start." Mina hands them the ball. 

The girls plan was going perfectly. None of the boys asked where Asui was. 

As planned, the boys serve towards their 'open' area. 

All the girls pretend to panic, and again as suspected the boys stop paying attention and laugh saying, "Wow we got you guys first try." 

All of a sudden, Asui comes popping out of the water, hits it hard and fast, so by the time the boys noticed, it already hit the water. 

All the girls cheered. 

The game finished, and the girls ended up winning. 

The class had more fun in the water, splashing around, and swimming.

But they didn't realize there was something else in the water, not just the class . . .

Wow! A cliff hanger there! 

What's gonna happen next?? OOOOOO

stay tuned for tmrs upload!!

(sorry not a lot of ship moments but I still am pretty happy with this chapter, kinda)

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