Chapter Three

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Please because this is my first fanfiction, please comment some criticism, its highly appreciated. Thanks!

Izuku POV

It was Saturday the next day meaning the students didn't have to go to class. Also meaning I could spend the entire day with Uraraka. 

Just as I was about to leave the dorms, Kirishima calls to me. I was still somewhat upset that he got a hug from Uraraka. But I shrugged it off. 

"Where are you going Midoriya?"

"Oh!" I said. "Im going to visit Uraraka!" 

Kirishima smirked. "This early? You seem to visit her . . . a lot.

The comment made me blush, and I waved my hands in front of his face, "Really Kirishima, its not like I like her like that or anything, were just friends . . ." The last part stung. 

"Not for long." Kirishima told him. "Anyway, Im comin' with you."

I was disappointed that he couldn't visit her alone, but I didn't tell that to him of course. 


Third person POV

The two boys walked to Recovery Girl's office, and weren't surprised to see Uraraka getting slightly better at walking, but still having issues, still needing someone to hold her up when she was falling. 

"I can help you walk Uraraka," Deku volunteered. 

"Oh yeah! I can help too!"

"Thank you boys. But you cant be too rough okay?"

I would never be rough with Uraraka, but maybe Kirishima would. (nah kirishima never would deku, just calm down)

Kirishima went to one side of Uraraka, and Deku went to the other, first she grabbed Kirishima's arm, then Deku's. 

A flare of jealous burned in him when he saw her touch him, but he did best to push it aside.

"Thanks guys. I feel like a real hassle." Uraraka said. She was begging to be able to talk. 

"Woah! You can talk?" Kirishima asked. 

"Yes I could always talk you dummy." She said playfully. 

"I mean- ah you know."

Uraraka laughed. He felt ignored. HE wanted Ochaco to be talking to him, not Kirishima. 

"Your no hassle Uraraka," Deku said. 

She looked up at me and smiled, "Ah, thanks Deku." 

He wished he could witness that smile forever. He wished he could stare into those beautiful brown eyes forever. But she looked back forward. 

Over the top of Uraraka's head, Kirishima gave him a look that basically said, 'go get her.' 

Deku shook my head in response. He was glad Uraraka was shorter than us, so she didn't have to see the gesture conversation we had.

Izuku POV

Still embarrassed, I didn't notice Uraraka falling towards me. Not quick enough to react, I couldn't catch her, and she collapsed on the ground yelling in pain. 

"Oh my God!" Kirishima screamed. Just as he yelled that, Bakugou walked in. 

"Kirishima I was searching for you all over! And holy crap, why is Uraraka on the damn floor?!"

I was panicing as Kirishima explained to Bakugou what happened. "Deku didn't catch her,"

"Then why are you still standing here? Go freaking grab Recovery Girl!"

Kirishima went ran to grab RecoveryGirl when I was still panicing, and eventually begin asking if uraraka was okay. 

She got up. "Deku, its all right, you dont have to worry, Im fine ."

"Im so so sorry," Tears fell form my eyes. 

"Deku, stop dont cry. Its not your fault."

"Yes it is Uraraka. Im so sorry." I hugged her as hard as I could. She almost left me again. 

Uraraka blushed bright red from the sudden embrace, and then she hugged back. We stayed like that for a while. My tears staining her hospital gown. 

"shh, shh deku Im fine." She laughed. "You dont have to worry about me all the time."

"Alright Im leaving you damn rejects." Bakugou walked out. 

"Ahh, I cant be trusted with you . . ." I started. 

"Shut up Deku! I should have warned you I was falling. And Im fine really." She pulled away from the hug. 

"No, its my fault. Recovery Girl told me to be careful and I wasn't."

"Come on, I lets practice some more." Uraraka said and smiled her one of a kind smile that I wanted to witness forever. 

"You still trust me?" I asked her. 

Uraraka's POV

"Of course! Why wouldn't I?" I told him. Man he was really over reacting. he cares about me that much? Maybe he does like me back . . . but what could he ever see in me? 

He was amazing, helping me everyday, coming to visit. What could I have to offer that would ever make him want me?

~Time Skip~

Later Deku left for lunch. And he said he would come back right away, but I told him he didn't have to. 

That afternoon, I saw him walking towards the building, but All Might stopped him. I was glad, he could finally train without me getting in the way. 

I watched as he trained admiring the determination in him. He always worked so hard. That was another reason I couldn't tell him how I really felt. I dont want to drag him down with me. I fainted because I couldn't handle it. And now I have to sleep and practicing walking. Deku is strong. Unlike me. I dont want to rub off on him. I will just have to keep it to myself.

I sighed. I want to tell him so badly. I want to tell him how amazing he is. It keeps building up, and building up. Soon its all going to come crumbling down. 

It was almost time for me to be asleep, and I see Deku running towards Recovery Girl's office. I didn't want to make him feel awkward by talking to me while he could be doing his own thing. 

I frantically turn off the lights, jump into the bed and close my eyes. 'sleeping'.

I just barely get into the bed before I hear, "Uraraka?" Deku calling my name. 

I kept my eyes shut. I just wanted him to leave, so he doesn't have to waste his time on me. 

Izuku POV

As I walked into the room where Ochaco was, I see her sleeping. 

She's so cute when she's asleep . . .

As much as I tried, I couldn't keep her out of my thoughts. Her smile. How kind she was. How bubbly and fun she was. How pretty she was. Everything. 

I wanted to tell her, tell her I wanted to be more than friends. I wanted to kiss her every time she smiled.

Heck, I wanted to kiss her right now. 

Then it hit me. I could kiss her, and she wouldn't even know. I mean she's unconscious . . . right?

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