5 Seconds to Love

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Third Person's POV:

Miranda, Lizzy, Kara, and Jewel decided to go to the mall. After being there for almost two hours and only having to have gone to a few stores, Miranda, Kara and Jewel went to the food court. While they were getting food, Lizzy went to Game Stop to buy some video games.

Miranda goes to go stand in line for McDonalds, but she trips over a chair that wasn't pushed in all the way and almost knocks over Ashton. Thankfully, he was able to catch her before they both ended up falling to the ground. He helps her so that she is standing up straight, and they both start laughing about what just happened. Once they were able to stop laughing they began to have a conversation.

While Ashton and Miranda are getting to know each other, Kara and Jewel were messing around, like they usually are, while getting in line to order some pizza. When they were almost in line Jewel jokingly pushes Kara, and she accidently hits Calum. Jewel was laughing while she walked and ended up running straight into Luke, and falls onto her butt.

This, of course, causes Calum, Luke, Kara, and herself to laugh. Luke then helps Jewel get up off of the ground and the two girls apologize for running into them.

While all of these things happened in the food court. Lizzy was in a gaming store looking for a game she's wanted but hasn't been able to get. She looked for a couple minutes and was about to give up the search and just go meet up with her friends. But she finally found it. She reaches for it but Michael grabs it at the same time. It turns out that Michael was looking for the exact same game she was, and was having the same problem as her. 

I know what you're thinking, 'Why doesn't one of them just grab the one that was behind that one?' The reason is that there wasn't another one.

While Lizzy and Michael were trying to figure out who gets the game, the others ordered their food and finished it. Ashton and Miranda were still talking, Kara and Calum were playing 20 questions, and Jewel and Luke were being the awkward people they are.

 All of them were going to the gaming store to meet up with their friend. Once they walked into the store they saw Michael and Lizzy arguing over the last copy of the game. By now they have been arguing for five minutes and they are nowhere near coming to an agreement.

After standing there waiting for Michael and Lizzy to stop arguing, Miranda and Ashton had to step in and stop them. It was mostly because it was starting to become annoying to hear them yell at each other over a video game. 

Miranda told Lizzy that she can buy the game online. Ashton spoke up and suggested that maybe they could all go and hang out at the guy's place, and Lizzy could play the game then. Everyone agreed to Ashton's idea except for Lizzy and Michael since they didn't completely get along from the time they met. But since they were outnumbered and Miranda and Ashton were their rides they didn't have a choice.

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