Good Day Gone Bad

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Lizzy's POV:

We ate our breakfast then paid and walked back home. Once we got home everyone went and did their own things, and the ones that stayed home were doing whatever as well. Michael and I went upstairs to watch movies in my room and talk about some things. "Soo. How you doing?" He said trying to act cool, but failed miserably.

We both started cracking up and I jumped onto the bed. He followed shortly behind doing the exact same thing I did. "You are such a dork." I said while laughing at how he was copying me.

"I know that. But I'm your dork. Remember that for when you see us perform live, so that you can point me out and say 'see that guy? He's my dork.'" After he said that he poked my nose, which caused me to wrinkle it.

I turned over onto my side so that I was facing him fully. "I could do that, or I could just watch you perform and try to not get attacked physically and verbally." I was semi joking when I said that though.

"I won't let that happen to you. If anyone starts to hate on you I will shut it down immediately." He was looking into my eyes the whole time. Then he brought his hand up to my cheek and rubbed circles on my cheek. I smiled and rolled onto my stomach. I tried to hide my face in the pillows, but Mike wouldn't let that happen. "Lizzy. Please don't hide that beautiful face from me. Please, please, please." He was begging me to lift my head up but I was refusing to.

I shook my head while still hiding my face. "Nope. Mikey it's not fair when you beg. You are too adorable when you do. What happens if you don't know that people are hating on me?" I said finally looking back up at him.

"Well I'm hoping that you would tell me if that happens. I will ask the other girls if I need to."

"I just don't want people to hate me because I'm the reason that you're no longer single."

"Look they shouldn't hate you just for that. I mean seriously they should like you because you make me happy."

"I know that they should but they never do unless the girl is pretty or famous as well."

He was about to say something when we were interrupted by someone knocking on my door. Then Miranda opened the door. "Hey we were thinking of going to the park, then to a movie. Do you guys want to come with?"

We both nodded our heads and said yes at the same time. We all laughed then headed down the stairs to meet up with the others. When we got down there Jewel was laying down on the couch. "What's wrong Jewel?" Mike asked.

"She doesn't feel well, so she is going to be staying here, which means that I will be third wheeling it." Luke answered. We just nodded our heads and didn't give it a second thought. After we made a full plan of what we will be doing today, we left the house and started our journey to the park.

After we went to the park, then to see a movie, and lastly to go eat dinner, we made our way back to the house. We were gone for about two or three hours, but it didn't feel that long.

Once we got back home I started to get a not so good feeling in the pit of my stomach. I tried to not show the fact that I was nervous to open the door. I was the first to step inside and looked around. My eyes landed on the living room and the really bad scene in front of me. I immediately stopped dead in my tracks, which caused everyone else to stop as well.

"Lizzy why did you stop?" Kara asked me really confused.

"Umm it might be best if we didn't go inside." I said and pulled out my phone to dial 911.

"Why? Who are you calling? Lizzy please answer me right now." Luke said getting worried and I have a feeling it's because we left Jewel here alone. Which now that I look back, it probably wasn't a smart idea.

"Just trust me on this. Please can we stay out here? In fact, we should go all the way down the drive way." I pointed and they looked really scared, but obliged and went to the bottom of the driveway. I stayed towards the top of the driveway and called the police.

P: 911 what's your emergency?

L: I think one of my housemates is dead.

P: May I ask what happened? I need all the details you can give me.

L: We went out with our boyfriends, but she said that she wasn't feeling well so she stayed home. When we got home I was the one who opened the door and slightly went inside. When I looked around I saw her slouched on the couch, and I think that she had something around her arm tightly. It looked like her arm was turning purple. I also saw a needle on the floor near the couch. Please send somebody quickly I need people here to see if there is any hope of saving her.

P: Help is on the way. I need you to stay calm for me please. Don't go into the house and please don't let anyone else in there. Would you like to stay on the line until help gets there?

L: I am making sure that no one goes in and that they don't know about it yet. And I'm not sure if I can. My other housemates are getting worried. Thank you for your help.

I then hung up the phone and went to where everyone else was. I sat down and everyone else seemed to follow my lead.

"Lizzy please. I'm begging you to tell us what is going on." Luke was pleading and I wasn't sure if I should or not.

"You are not going to be happy at all. Ummm. In the house is a very sensitive thing. I guess Jewel was feeling mentally sick, because she is in there sitting on the couch. She's either unconscious or something that we shouldn't think about. That's all I'm going to tell you. I was on the phone with the police they are on their way." I said and as if right on cue there were sirens and I saw them coming down the street.

I sighed in relief and they stopped right in front of the house along with an ambulance. We stayed outside while they rushed inside to get her. When they brought her out on a gurney I saw just how bad the damage really was.

Her arm was almost completely purple, there were more than one puncture wounds from needles in the pit of her elbows, and you could distinctly tell that she had something tightly wound around her arm right above where the elbow was. When they put her in the ambulance Kara and I were trying to comfort Miranda, since she is like our mother or older sister, she cared about us a lot.

I looked over to see what state Luke was in and what I saw was not pretty. Ashton and Michael were trying to hold him back to keep him from going near her for the moment. Calum was standing in front of him trying to get him to calm down.

I thought today was going to be such a great day with how it started, but now it's going down the drain quickly. After they took her to the hospital and the police talked to us, we got in the cars and went to the hospital they're taking her to. They are going to try and save her, but from what they told me she's gone.


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