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Sweet Pea POVI sat on a desk in English

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Sweet Pea POV
I sat on a desk in English. FP Jones' kid transferred and doesn't want anything to do with the serpents, and I'm pissed about it. I looked on my phone and saw a video from that Northside redhead. "What!? Dammit!" I yelled and burst out of the classroom.

I walked into the small diner no one dared to step foot in after the shooting. There was a half asleep waitress at the bar. Her name tag said 'Lexi.' That's a beautiful name. She looked up and saw me. "Fuck!" She yelled and walked over. She's a hothead, like me. At least that's what my friends say. "Hey, sorry for the wait. What would you like?" She asked. "Um. What do you suggest? I don't really come here often." I claimed. She nodded. "Chocolate milkshakes are the best, so are the onion rings." She suggested. I nodded. "I'll have that." I decided and she went back to make my food.

A few minutes later, she came back and put my food down. "Enjoy." She said with a fake smile. "Thanks. Lexi? Right?" I asked, she nodded. "Yeah, what's your name?" Lexi asked. "Sweet Pea." I said, she truly smiled and nodded. She walked to the back and laid her head in her hands.

I walked up to pay but she waved my money away. "It's on the house. Fundraiser tonight to help keep this place open, you should come with some friends." Lexi said. I nodded. "I'll see of I can. Have a nice day." I said. That's a new one. "You too." She replied and smiled.

Alexa POV
I was still smiling. He was so nice for a serpent. Something you almost never see.

I walked into school the next morning with Izzy. A brunette cheerleader came up to us and laughed. I grabbed her arm. "Whatcha laughin at sweetcheeks?" Izzy threatened. "I-I just thought you were crazy. The way you act and dress, wouldn't be surprised your serpent sluts." She said. Me and Izzy grabbed her and fought her to the ground. "Stupid bitch! We will act and dress how we please!" I yelled. I felt someone drag me off of her. Archie. Someone else dragged Izzy off her. Jughead? "Jug? What are you doing here?" I asked. "I came with Toni, needed something from the Blue and Gold. What happened? I heard someone yell 'Code Red!'" Jug asked. Code red meant there was a fight. Most likely me and Izzy fighting someone. "She called us crazy and a serpent slut because of how we act and dress." Izzy said. Jug sighed and brought us to the office since the Principal called us down.

Me and my sister got expelled. We are getting sent to Southside High. "Wanna come to the high school? We are heading back there." Toni asked. "Sure. Not like we have anything better to do." Izzy answered and we left.

We sat in the Red and Black. My feet kicked up on a desk while Izzy had hers sprawled across mine. A group walked in, and I realised the one leading them was the guy from the diner. Sweet Pea. He looked at me and sighed. "Jones, we're headed to the quarry. Wanna come with?" He asked. "No thanks, don't have my beach bod yet." Jughead said. I choked back a laugh and Izzy slapped the back of my head. "Bitch." I muttered jokingly. "Girls," Jughead warned. "Sorry. Dipshit over here can't keep her mouth shut." Izzy said. "What? You'll ask for help from us but you won't hang with us? Well, don't come crawling to us, hat in hand, when some Ghoulie decides to earn his stripes by taking out FP Jones' kid." Sweet Pea said. I smirked to myself. "Thanks for the offer, Sweet Pea, but I'm done. No more favors coming your way." Jughead said. Sweet Pea went to step foward, but I stood up and blocked him. "Take the hint, Sweetcheeks, he's just not that into you." I growled.

Sweet Pea POV
"Take the hint, Sweetcheeks, he's just not that into you." Lexi growled. I remember her name, how could I forget her piercing brown eyes. "Let's motor." Topaz said, I walked away.

I sat on a beat up couch at the quarry. That Lexi was on my mind. "Sweet Pea!" Toni yelled, waving her hand in front of my face. "What?" I asked. "I asked you, how do you know Alexa?" Toni asked me. "Ran into her at Pop's. She was my waitress." I explained simply. "She is the female version of you, literally." Toni claimed. "How's that?" I asked. "She is hotheaded. She fought a bitch when I was at Riverdale High with Jughead. She and her sister got expelled, so you'll be seeing a lot more of her at Southside High." Toni explained. I scoffed. "Of course, like the world needs another Sweet Pea." Fangs said out of nowhere. "Rude." I said. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Alexa POV
I walked into my house with my sister, and saw a man in our kitchen. With a serpent jacket. "Who the fuck are you?" Izzy growled. "Kids, this is your father. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I never told you." Our mom choked out. "What's his name?" I growled. "I'm Tallboy. I just- oh my god. Your just as beautiful as your mother told me." He said, tearing up. I looked at Izzy, and sighed. "I'm Alexa. You can call me Lexi." I introduced. He smiled widely. "Isabella. You can call me Izzy." Izzy introduced. Tallboy came up and hugged us. Our father is a serpent?

I walked into school with Izzy the next day in black ripped jeans and a plain black shirt with a red and black flannel. We saw Toni and Jughead and walked up to them. "Hey." Izzy said. "Hey girls. I have someone I want you to meet, let's get to class." Toni said before walking off with us trailing behind her.

We walked into our first class and we saw a short serpent with black hair and Sweet Pea. I rolled my eyes, but internally, I was smiling softly. Something I really didn't do. "Ms. Kelly. Nice of you to finally join us." Mr. Phillips said. I rolled my eyes once again and took a seat next to Toni. Today was going to be a long day.

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