3rd Person

Lexi walked into school with Sweet Pea. Lexi was nervous, because there was a feeling in her stomach when she saw Cheryl talking with Reggie. They weren't flirting, but Reggie was hitting on her. "I'm gonna find Fangs." Sweet Pea said before kissing her and walking away.

Lexi POV

Cheryl looked at me with a pleading look. "Hey, what's going on?" I asked and snuck an arm around Cheryl's waist to give Reggie the idea to back off. "Nothing Sweetheart. Me and Cherry were having a chat. So how does that date sound?" Reggie asked. "It doesn't sound good when your hitting on my girl. Back the fuck off dickwad." I growled. Reggie's mouth gaped open. "Now, I want you to keep this a secret. Or I'm kicking your ass and you won't show your face. Got it?" I threatened. He nodded. I turned around and slapped Cheryl's ass to make it more believable.

Fangs rushed up to me looking very pissed. "I saw what you did! Are you cheating on Sweet Pea!" Fangs yelled. "No. Cheryl was in a situation with Reggie. So, I acted like we were dating so he would back off. She has done it for me with Chuck." I explained. He sighed. "Don't cheat on Pea. He loves you so so much. And he wouldn't do it to you." Fangs said. I smiled and nodded.

It was raining all day. Thunder was blasting through the sky so we had to stay in school. I was walking through the halls with Cheryl. Sweet Pea went to find Fangs. "I like you. I know we said we wouldn't feel for eachother, but I just, I just can't help feeling for you." Cheryl admitted.  She likes me? "You like me?" I asked softly. "Yes, I really want to continue what we started in 8th grade. We promised we would lose our virginity to eachother." Cheryl said. It was true. We made a pact. "Cheryl, I lost it. My biological father raped me. But, I would if I wasn't dating Sweet Pea and I didn't get raped." I admitted. Cheryl stopped and looked at me. The lights went out and thunder sounded. Me and Cheryl crashed our lips together. She grasped my ass. The lights went back on. "Cheryl, I can't do this. I'm dating Sweet Pea." I whispered. Is it bad I kinda wanted her? Just a one night stand. "Your allowed to lose control for one night." Cheryl whispered. I brought her into a closet and locked the door.

Betty POV

I looked with Veronica and saw Cheryl and Alexa. Making out. "Wait, I can't do this. I'm dating Sweet Pea." Alexa said. I sighed in relief. "Your allowed to lose control. I want to finish what we started in the 8th grade." Cheryl said. Alexa dragged her to a closet. Alexa and Cheryl?

Alexa POV

I slept with Cheryl. I cheated on Sweet Pea. I betrayed Sweet Pea. I got up and put my clothes on. "I can't believe I did this." I said. But it was good. "I'll help you. I'll protect this secret, it won't get out." Cheryl promised. We linked our pinkies and I left.

Sweet Pea ran down the hall with a smile on his face. I looked down and saw a hickey on my chest. "What's that?" Sweet Pea asked, poking my chest. "Nothing. Cheryl punched me for making an inappropriate joke." I lied. He smiled and laughed. Sweet Pea gently kissed me as we walked into the lounge. Betty stormed in and looked at Cheryl then me. "You two. Disgust me. What happened between you and Alexa in the 8th grade Cheryl!? Hm?" Betty yelled. Sweet Pea looked shocked. Cheryl looked sympathetic. Flashbacks ran through my mind of our almost first time. "Nothing." Cheryl answered. Izzy stood up, because she knew what happened. "It wasn't Alexa. It was me. We were at her house, and we got into a fight because of a boy." Izzy lied. Cheryl's eyes had tears. I mouthed you can tell them to her. Sweet Pea looked down at me nervously. Fangs and Toni looked confused as did Archie and Kevin. "We were in 8th grade. We made a pact when we were in 6th that when we were old enough, we would loose our virginity to eachother. Not a relationship, a one night stand. We were studying for a test and we just, kissed. We almost did it but our mother walked on me bare-chested." Cheryl explained sadly. "It was years ago! What does it matter?" I yelled. Sweet Pea looked jealous. "It matters because I saw you two in the hallway! 'Talking.'" Betty said putting quotes around the word. "We were!" Cheryl yelled. Veronica stood up and saw my look. Sad. "They were. They were talking about how ridiculous to was they were gonna do that." Veronica defended. I smiled softly at her. "Oh yeah? Then why did they kiss? Why did Alexa pull away and saw, 'I can't do this. I'm with Sweet Pea.' And then why did Cheryl say, 'Your allowed to loose control.' And then why did Alexa lead them into a closet for what I'm guessing was sex!" Betty yelled. Stone cold bitch. "Because your making this up Betty!" Veronica yelled. Thank god for Veronica Lodge.

Sweet Pea POV

I didn't know if I should believe Betty or Veronica. It sounds sketchy. "Then, explain this Veronica." Betty said, walking over to Cheryl and exposing her hickey filled neck and chest. Alexa's mouth hung open and I backed away from her. "You cheated on me?" I asked. How could she? "Sweet Pea, it was just a one night stand-" "It doesn't mean anything! You still cheated on me!" I yelled hurt. "I know." She whispered. I stormed out of the room while she stayed. How could she?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2018 ⏰

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