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Alexa POV

After Archie and his stupid Black Hood problem, I went home and saw Tallboy choking my mom. "Get off of her!" I screamed and ripped him off. Izzy ran downstairs and saw me fighting Tallboy. "Take mom out of here! Not to Archie's just anywhere but here!" I screamed. She nodded and ran with mom. Tallboy growled at me and started punching and punching. He grasped my throat and lifted me up. I gasped for air and kicked. He smirked and tightened his grip. I kicked him in the throat and ran, but didn't get far. He grabbed my hair and pulled me back. "Your a little bitch, I hope you know that." He growled before tossing be across the room, literally. I groaned when I hit the floor. He picked me up again, and threw me against the door. I cried out in pain and ran out of the house.

Tallboy finally stopped chasing me. I sat on a park bench, thinking about what just happened and all the things that happened in my life.
"Numb me down to the core

Cause love don't live here anymore
And we fought hard but we lost the war
Without you, what am I living for?

And I know I can't take back, all the things are dead
But if I had one wish, I would wish for one more chance

Somewhere our fear took all control
That's when I turned cold
Won't you give me one more chance?" I sang to myself. I wrote this song, when it all began. The abuse from Tallboy.

Izzy POV

I ran to the one place I knew would help me and Lexi. Sweet Pea. Me and my mom ran to Sweet Pea's trailer. We repeatedly banged on the door until he answered. He looked shocked. "What the hell happened? Where's Lexi?" He asked right away. I broke down crying. "I-I don't know. She told us to run, because our father was choking mom and he is a serpent, so he's strong." I ranted. "What's his name?" Sweet Pea asked. "T-Tallboy." Izzy stuttered out. "That son of a bitch!" Sweet Pea yelled. "Help her here, I'm going to get Lexi. I'm not letting anyone lay a hand on her. My mom will show you where the first aid kit is." Sweet Pea explained before rushing out of the house.

Sweet Pea POV

I ran to Lexi's house and saw the door wide open and the house was trashed. I burst in and saw the emptiness. "Lexi!" I yelled. No response. I heard footsteps and saw her walking slowly down the stairs. "Lex? Thank god your okay." I said before she ran into my arms. "I don't know where he is. He left after I ran out." She cried out. "What did he do to you? Everything." I asked. "He abused all of us except Izzy. He punched me all the time. He threw me across the room. He choked me and then when I passed out he, he raped me." She said, whispering the last part. I pulled her into my chest and hugged her close. She gripped my shirt and just held on. I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and stroked her hair. "I told you I'd never let anyone lay a hand on you. I meant it. I'll never let anyone hurt you like he did." I whispered. "I know you wouldn't. I trust you." Lexi said softly. I smiled and pulled away. I stroked her cheek and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I like you, Lexi. Always did, ever since we met at the diner." I whispered. She smiled and leaned in. I closed the gap and pressed my lips against hers. They were so soft and delicate.

Alexa POV

I leaned in and kissed Sweet Pea. I like him, and it's just fireworks in my stomach. He pulled away and smiled widely. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He whispered. I smiled and pecked his lips. "Of course I will. I've been waiting for this for too long." I said. He leaned his forehead against mine. I knew this was the beginning of something great.

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