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Sweet Pea POV

I saw Lexi walk into the classroom. I don't know why, but I just felt so vulnerable around her. She took a seat next to Toni and they talked. I just stared. I was always taught it was wrong to stare, but I just couldn't help it. People have said she was a stone-cold bitch, others have said she was just protective.

Lunch rolled around and I sat at our table with Fangs. Toni, Lexi, and Izzy came over and sat down. "So, why'd you come to this dump instead of staying at Preppy High?" I asked. "Well, Sweetcheeks. I had to many class distrubtions and the last straw was when I beat the shit out a cheerleader for calling us crazy and a serpent slut because of how we dress." Lexi explained. I stood shook. Maybe she is the female version of me.

"Do you like blondie?" Fangs asked. Her name is Lexi, not blondie. "She's pretty, I'll give her that. But, I don't know." I said sighing. "Dude, you like her." Fangs said happily. "Maybe I do, so what?" I growled. "Your whipped!" He yelled down the hall. I flipped him off and continued walking.

Alexa POV

I walked into my house. Izzy was hanging with Archie tonight while I stayed home. "Mom?" I yelled. No answer. "Mo-" I started but a hand covered my mouth. "It's Tallboy, sweetheart." He growled into my ear. Pushing me down onto the ground. I cried out in pain. I was traumatized. He punched me over and over again. From the stomach, to the face. I started groaning from the pain. He slammed me against the wall by my throat. He squeezed until I fell unconscience.

I woke up in my bed, naked. My eyes widened and I saw my door closed. I started crying. That bastard raped me. Mom let a monster into our home.

I walked into school the next day with a busted lip. My eyebrow had a cut too. I was scared. I saw Izzy look at me while talking with Toni, Sweet Pea, and Fangs. Her face went white. "What happened to you?' she said quickly. I covered the hand prints on my throat and my black eye. "Nothing. I'm fine." I said. That's what I always am. "Alexa. Be careful." Izzy warned, I nodded and walked in the Red and Black.

"Jughead." I said. He looked up and saw my panicked look. "What's wrong?" He asked quickly. "Where can I find Archie?" I asked. "Riverdale High probably. Need me to come?" He asked, I shook my head and left.

I ran into Riverdale High and found Archie with Veronica, Betty, and Kevin. "Archie." I said. He turned around and saw me. Veronica smiled softly, which I didn't return. "I need to talk to you." I said, voice cracking. He nodded and pulled me gently outside.

"What's wrong?" He asked quickly. "I found my dad. Well, my mom did. And he is abusive and a serpent! He choked me and raped me he took my virginity! And I'm falling for a serpent and I just can't!" I ranted. He hugged me close and stroked my hair. "Let's go to my house." Archie said and that's what we did.

I walked into the house and saw Fred looking pissed. "Did you think I wouldn't see it?" Fred asked, I looked at Archie confused. "Take it down. Right now." Fred growled. I jumped a little. "I already did. People keep reposting it." Archie said. "Good grief Archie." Fred muttered. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" Fred asked. I cringed at the name. That's what Tallboy called me. "Tell him, Alexa." Archie whispered. "Mom found mine and Izzy's dad. He is abusive. He choked me and beat the shit out of me. He also raped me when I passed out." I whispered. I let tears slip. "Honey." Fred said before pulling me into his arms. "He won't hurt you anymore. We are gonna tell your mom, and then we will figure something out." Fred said, I nodded slowly. God damn.

I told my mom. She seemed nervous, so did Izzy. Tallboy kept giving me the death glare. I noticed a bruise on my mom's cheek. He hurt her too. "I don't know what your talking about, honey. He is harmless." Mom said confidently. I shook my head and dragged Izzy upstairs. "What happened? Is he abusive?" Izzy asked. I removed the makeup covering my face and neck. She gasped and cried. I joined along.

I walked into school the next day with the same makeup on. Izzy was shook. I saw Sweet Pea and smiled softly. I don't want to provoke anyone. We walked into the courtyard with him and Fangs. I sat silenty and so did Izzy.

Sweet Pea POV

I looked over at Lexi and saw s light shade of purple under her makeup. It's a bruise. She was also quiet. Something is up with her.

"Kelly!" I yelled to Lexi. She turned around and smiled softly. "Wanna go to a store with us and hang out? It'll be us and Fangs?" I offered. "Sure. I'll see you later." She said simply. I smiled at her as soon as she walked away.

I walked out of a store on the Southside with Fangs and Lexi. "Hey! What the hell do you thing your doing?" I asked and I saw Andrews. "This doesn't concern you." He said simply. "Yeah? Then who's this message for? Aw, hell. Don't tell me it's for the Black Hood." I growled. He tried to leave and we blocked him off. "Woah, Southside Serpent county. You can't come here, and tag our turf. So why don't you get your ass back to the Northside before someone gets hurt." I threatened. Lexi grabbed my hand and held it. "Why don't you get out of my way. Or someone will get hurt." Andrews threatened. I gently pushed Lexi behind me protectively. "You just made a big mistake." I said, pulling out my knife. And he pulled out a fucking gun. Lexi moved out of my way and went infront of me. "Go. I'll take care of it." She growled lowly. I'm not about to let her get hurt. "Your friends with these thugs, Lexi?" Andrews asked. "They aren't the thugs, you are Archie. Get the hell out of here, Archibald." She defended. "Fangs, go. Make sure everyone knows to be careful around this one." I whispered to him, he nodded and left. I gently took Lexi's hand in mine. Archie pointed the gun at her. She tensed up and gripped my hand. Andrews shot he gun in the air. I grabbed Lexi and covered her head and wrapped an arm around her waist. Andrews ran while Lexi was still grasping my hand. We got up and ran to my trailer.

"I didn't think he would do that." Lexi whispered once we entered my trailer. "I will be damned if I let him or anyone put their hands on you, got it? I'll never let anyone do that." I said. She walked up to me and stroked my cheek. I wrapped my arms around her and she did the same to me.

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