I trusted you...

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There wil be mentioning of depression and suicide. If you're not comftarble with that don't read this. If you have depression and don't know what to do go to the chapter named:'Something important'    There you can find a few links that can help you. And remember you're all beautiful no mater what.

"But really Kao, why weren't you at school on Monday?" I asked him after chatting a little. He seemed a bit uncomfortable so I did what anyone else would do. I held his hand and said "You don't need to tell me if you don't want to"and I gave him a small smile. He seemed a bit shocked when I first grabed his hand but he quickly relaxed and looked back at me. He took a deep breath and let go of my hand. He waited for a moment looking in the sky before starting "Pete...I trust you. So don't make me regret it."
"I may appear as a bright and happy person, who barely gets sad, but thats just a way of covering who I am." Sigh "I didn't come to school because I was going to a funeral, more specifically my cousin's funeral." I looked at him shocked, but I kept quiet and waited for him to continue.

"My mom came to my room early and said my cousin was dead. That in itself made me sad because I loved my cousin as my brother and bestfiend, because that's what he was to me. I was devastated as it was and so was the rest of our family. But what made me sader was when I came to my aunts house. Her eyes were red from crying as she greeted us. After some time of us talking she handed me an envelope and said it's from my cousin. I went to the spot that we loved the most, behind the house and when I opened the letter my heart droped. My cousin explained to me how he killed himself with a drug overdose....because he was.....depressed.He explained how he had bad depression for a long time and he just couldn't handle it. He was afraid to talk about it with anyone. And he ended it all." 

I don't have anything to say and I just look at Kao with patience, not wanting to push him any further if he doesn't want to talk about it.

"What made this even worse for me was the fact that I myself was depressed before. I know how he felt because I felt the same. I used to get bullied a lot when I was young. It was so bad that I had to switch schools."  I gulped before asking "W-Why were you bullied?" He looked back at me before answering. "I am gay" 


"I was never a social person and only had one friend in the 'old highschool'. You know him, it's..Rain"
"So when a popular guy approached me and started talking to me, I was shocked and happy. I thought he really wanted to be my friend so I trusted him like an idiot. After a short amount of time he got me to tell him all of my secrets and in returne he told me 'his secrets' which turned out to be lies. He heard everything about me being gay and a few other things. He then said it to his friends who said it to other people and soon the whole school knew. They were laughing at me, mocking me or call me names. They mostly made fun of me for being gay because they found it so bad in their eyes. Some girls jumped me in the bathroom and tied me down. They put makeup and other stuff on me and said stuff like 'now you're finally a girl and maybe you could get a boy to like you, but oh wait you're a guy and no one would want to be with you.' Some other guys beat me up saying I was disgusting for being gay. Some other got me traped in the toilets and started touching me and kissing me all over, and when I'd try to escape they'd say stuff like 'where are you going? Don't you want to prove them wrong and show them that people want your body? Why can't we have it? Or did you already sell your body?' And the otheres would say 'He definitely sells his body for money, how do you think he got his stuff? I wonder how good he got with all his experience?' But they would always have to stop because a teacher would hear my screams for help and run inside to stop them. I got so sick of it all that I tried to kill myself. I almost hung myself, but my mom came in time to save me.

After that I got therapy amd my mom finally found out what was going on and made sure the students get punished and I got transfered to another high school. I got better with the therapy but the doctors and the therapist said if I face something like that again I could easily click and try something to hurt myself again. So my mom was always a bit more cautious from then on. And Rain being the best friend he was transfered the school aswell. We also thought it would be better because we were afraid he'd get bullied for being my friend. From then on I was always afraid to open up to people and would put up this happy facade." 

That was a lot to take in. He really has a fucked up past. I kinda feel bad for him.

"That's why when I heard what happened to my cousin I was even more devestated. But I didn't tell my family the reason he killed himself because that was his last wish."

We stayed quiet for a bit and I felt so sad after hearing this. I grabed his hand and rubbed the pack of his palm with my tumb in a slow circle motion. He looked at me a bit shocked at first and then said "Hey, it's ok, I'm over it now. Besides, I have you and the rest of the gang and I couldn't be happier to have great friends like you guys. And besides the fate is smiling upon me."

I looked at him with slightly teary eyes before bringing him in a hug. He was shocked once more but after a bit he returned the hug. I heard him start to cry quetly so I started rubbing his back saying "Shhh, it'll be ok. Everything is ok. No need to cry." This felt strangely familiar for some reason but I just don't know why... after a bit we decide to chatt a bit to lighten up the mood and the go home.

Kao's pov

When I got home I felt relieved, but I also had a strange feeling in my gut. I brushed it off thinking it was because Pete was being so nice to me and took a shower. I went to sleep thinking about...

Saturday was a boring day so I just laied in my bed and watched movies. What genre you may ask........, well that is for you to find out later on....

Sunday came and I was bored as hell I didn't have any plans so I decided to studi. Yeah, I was that bored that studying seemed interesting.

[I wish it was this simple to make yourself study  :(((]

Afterwards I just decided to draw a little sinc I haven't done that in a while. The day in itself was quiet and relaxing.

Pete's pov.

'I'm gay. [...] Some girls jumped me in the bathroom [...]'he definitely sells his body [...].

I was listening to the recording for the fifth time already. Should I actually do this? Maybe I should just......

Le Flashback~

"Why did you let that kid punch you? Are you becoming a weakling?We don't need a weakling!" One of the gang members said as he punched me and then they left...

End of le Flashback~

"Ughhhhh!!! Screw it I'm posting it!!"

Pete posted an audio clip

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5min later

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2 hours later

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And the count just kept going up...


Hey guys!
Sorry that the chapter is so short and boring, I'll try to uptadet something interesting as fast as possible.

Untill the next time my little ♥~Marshmallows~♥

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