Her: What if I become too much?
Him: Then there's more of you for me to love
Her: What if I'm not enough?
Him: You'll always be enough
Her: What if one day you wake up and you don't love me anymore? By some cosmic shift you don't care...not enough to even try anymore...
Him: Then I'll learn, I'll learn to love you again. Every quirk, every imperfection, everything that made me love you in the first place
Her: You don't understand...
Her: You...you need to keep choosing me...you need to keep telling me that I'm enough for you, I need... I need...
Him: You need me. You need me to keep choosing you, I will. You need me to be there. I will. You need me to show you that you can trust me, that I have to work towards your trust, I understand. I understand. I understand every last word and I need you to understand that if it takes me a life-time to prove to you that I love you, that you can trust me and that I will always be there I will spend every second by your side proving to you that I choose you...It has always been you and it always will be. I choose you...