It doesn't hurt little one
It's like being calm
It's like relaxing for your brain
It's like watching the clouds pass by
It's like waiting for a movie to start
Is that why you're always so tired mommy?Yes baby
Mommy gets so relaxed that I have to take a nap
But why do you eat so much candy mommy?
Those aren't candies baby
They help mommy stay calm
It helps mommy be the best mommy everBut mommy why doesn't daddy eat them
Daddy likes being hyper and jumping around like you
Mommy can I have some?
No baby, these are only for me, see mommy's name is on them
Do you think the doctor will give me candies one day?
I don't know babyAre you happy mommy?
Of course darling I have you. I love you
But mommy's just gonna take a nap okay?
Okay mommy, when you wake up can we play.
Yes baby.