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I look at your eyes
And I remember why I fell in love with you
I look at your lips
And remember the thousand nights I've dreamt of kissing them
I look at your chest
And picture your arms around me, holding me close to you

I look at your hair
As cleanly styled as ever
I look at you
And see everything I'll ever need
Then I look in the mirror
And notice something different

The fear in my eyes
The trembling of my lips
The swallowed rise and fall of my chest
And the unruly curlyness of my hair
As I notice...
The discoloration of my skin

Tears start trailing down my face
As it starts itching then burning from the inside
I scratch and rip my skin in an attempt to escape my fate
But it's written in my blood
A history I should be proud of
Now destroys my future


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