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Hello~~~~ If you are reading this but expected an update on Drowning in Blue, then let me just say that this is the story I will work on when I have writers block for Drowning in Blue! I hope you enjoy this and maybe give me some suggestions??

I put the song cause I listened to this while writing and I thought it was fitting for this story....

On to the Story~~


The tall tan teenager watched his reflection, pinpointing each thick scar that was on his face, he noted the dark circles that never seemed to go away, and the way his eyes were dull and lifeless, and scars were the worst there but his glasses did a good job covering the smaller ones, they reminded him of the corpses he had seen all of those years ago. Then the scars on his chest, arms, legs, and neck. The more obvious ones were inflicted on him by the cruel man, and the smaller- thinner ones, were from himself.

But he knew he needed to move past his reflection to prepare for the slow painful day on the castle ship, he started with covering the scars and dark circles around his eyes, making sure not even the slightest line showed. Then he made sure the rest of his face was the same color as his natural skin, next was his neck. Focusing on the largest the curled around most of his neck with random dips leading to his chest.

Then he worked his arms, legs, and chest. He had snatched makeup from the space mall and was covered for about a week before he needed to buy more. Sighing he removed his thick rimmed glasses and placed in color eye-contacts that were a brighter color blue.

Then he got dressed, the elbow length sleeves always made Lance panic a bit, worried someone would see through his make-up and confront him. He pushed down the feeling and finished getting dressed. Slipping his shoes on last, they had lifts so he wouldn't be seen as short, in reality he was only a few inches shorter than  Keith and still a head taller than Pidge.

Once he finished he went back to the mirror, watching his reflection closely, it wasn't him, it wasn't him. He glared harshly at himself before practicing his laid-back smile. He worked on it for a good ten minutes before he was satisfied with himself.

Once out of his room, he immediately headed to the kitchen, by now everyone would have sat down and started eating, cruelly asking if any of the others saw him yet.

He put on his lazy grin and headed in, grabbing a bowl and sitting down besides Hunk. He easily started a conversation, involving everyone there.

Hunk suddenly jumped up, "OH! I had something for you! The previous planet's locals said it was safe, but has odd side affects? Anyway, I wanted to make an pineapple upside down cake, since it resembles one and was hoping you would taste it for me?" He said, somewhat shyly.

The tanned teen grinned, "Course!" He said cheerfully, taking the purplish fruit from Hunk and biting into it. It tasted more like grapes than a pineapple. A sweet juice, but still was sour.

But before he could say anything, his stomach began to tighten, it made him feel sick. It must have shown on his face because Hunk was slightly panicking.

"Lance?A-are you okay?" Hunk managed, putting out a hand to help his friend, but Lance couldn't answer as he collapsed with a low thud.

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