Chapter Three

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"Neh, Pidge. Truth or dare?" Lancelot heard Hunk say, he sounded nervous. Maybe because Lancelot was recording everything going on.

"Dare." She said sternly, Hunk nodded and put his hand on his chin, looking at the cieling.

"Right, um....I dare you to...give up all your electronics for five hours." It was like all hell broke loose, Pidge looked ready to kill, Hunk threw up(again) and Shiro was smiling tiredly as he watched Pidge scream at Hunk in rage.

Lancelot stared at them quietly, he  didn't talk much during the game which had been going on for an hour.

"Lancelot!" Pidge said suddenly, Lancelot didn't even jump as his dull blue eyes slid over to her bright hazel ones. "Truth or dare?" 

He stayed quiet before shrugging, "Truth..." He responded lowly. 

"Why aren't you aloud to take a shower?" She asked softly, almost like she were worried.

"Mr. and Miss made it a rule. I'm not aloud in the bathroom unless they have customers." He said simply, he noticed her go to ask another question before turning to Shiro.

"Truth or dare?" He asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Truth." Shiro responded slowly, Lancelot nodded and thought for a second.

"What was- er- am I like as an adult?"

"You're very loyal, kind, always ready to help, a bit of a flirt, and always put others before yourself." He responded easily.

"Keith, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to bake something." 

After Keith baked a small chocolate cake he returned, "Hunk truth or dare?"

"Truth." He said nervously, Keith nodded seriously.

"How long have you known Lance?" At the glare pointed to him he corrected himself, "Lancelot."

"Uh, just a few months before we both were excepted into the garrison." He answered.

"L-Lancelot, truth or dare?"

"Dare." He said, he was getting bored.

"I dare you to take off your bandages." Everyone went silent, they all wanted to see them off but Hunk straight up asked or ordered him to.

"Alright, I'll be right back." He responded, he agreed to play this game and he wasn't backing out.

Once in the bathroom, he slowly took his shirt off and began to unwrap his bandages. His scars immediately appeared as well as some more cuts and whip marks from the day before, or the last day he remembered.

He left the room and stood in front of them, ignoring their horrified looks.

"Pidge, truth or dare?"


Sorry it is short, next one will hopefully be longer.


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