Chapter Two

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The team was quiet as they stared at Lancelot, he was gripping the door tightly.

"And what the fuck is a mummy?" He added after a second. "Where's Miss and Mister? If they think I'm going to go along with what they had in mind, they are dead wrong!" Shiro took a step forward.

"Lance what is the last thing you remember?" He started.

"...Don't call me Lance. It's Lancelot. And I don't have to answer anything. Where's Vicky? Is she here to?" He growled lowly. Shiro hesitated, glancing at the tattooed lady.

"Lancelot... I'm Shiro, and you're in a ship in outer space. Uh... you were turned into a ten year old version of yourself, and apparently lost your current memory. You are actually nearing nineteen. We have some videos of you as proof. So can I approach now?"

Lancelot frowned as he processed the information. "Are you my friends?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.

"Yeah, of course buddy!" Shiro answer with a smile.

"So why did greenie over there ask about my wrappings? If you're my friends shouldn't you know?" He questioned coldly, relaxing just a bit as he waited for an answer.

"You never told us about wearing wrap and you never have. Do you want to see a video?"

"No. I believe you." He had a feeling they weren't lying. "I want to know you guys though. Then you can ask your annoying questions. Only after I know you though!"

Everyone nodded and Lancelot walked forward, examining everyone one last time.

"Don't you want to clean up first? Then we can all hang out." Shiro said, a fatherly tone in his voice.

"Clean up...?" He echoed in confusion, Shiro frowned curiously.

"Yeah, like take a shower?" He continued hesitantly.

"I can't." He said automatically.

"Why not?" Greenie asked stepping forward.

"I know you first. Then you ask questions." he growled at them, anger taking over his voice. Greenie stiffened but nodded in agreement.

"Let's have a team bonding then!"


Sorry it's short but I wanted t leave it at a sort of cliffhanger! Anyway, sorry for the wait! I don't think it will happen again, but uh knowing me it will! Don't know when though, could be soon or later! Just please stay patient with me!


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