Chapter One

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Waking up with a headache is never a good thing for Lancelot. It either meant he found liquor, got drunk, and his punishment was a killing hangover. Or he was sick. He didn't like either choices. 

He sat up and ran his bandaged fingers over his curly hair. First he noticed that his once falling apart room filled with old books and paper, was now replaced with a white metal room with flowers decorating the lonely desk across from him. On the desk was a note, but he'd look at it later. He didn't know what to think of this new change. Deciding it was best to ignore and question later, he went ahead to explore the to doors in the small metal room. The first door he opened up to a hallway, both sides seem to turn into different hallways, it had this creepy symmetry that left Lancelot with an uneasy feeling. He stepped back and watched the doors slide closed. He turned to the last door, it opened up into a white and blue bathroom.

He stepped in and face the mirror.

His face was covered with dirt stained bandages only showing his eyes and mouth, his scars peeked out around his eyes but it was nearly unnoticeable.  The bandaging went down all the way to his hips, it covered his arms and chest. He had a shirt on that covered most of it though. His shorts were covered in dry mud, he patted them down leaving the white tiled floor brown.

He left the room, not bothering to explore the bathroom. He wasn't aloud in them anyway and would be punished for dirtying this one.

He grabbed the note:

Lance, the fruit you ate yesterday was a de-aging fruit. The locals had confused it with a similar fruit that was supposed to make you part animal for a day. This fruit lasts a week and then wears off. We weren't able to stay till you woke up, or see the child version of you since we needed to help Hunk. When you awake, please head to the lounging area. We need to make sure this was the only thing that happened. 

Allura, Coran, Keith, Shiro, Pidge,


Hunk couldn't sign because he was throwing up.


There are some spare clothes under your bed, since we don't know exactly what it means by de-aging.

Lancelot frowned at the letter, was this for him? Who do these strangers think they are calling him Lance? And he never ate a fruit yesterday, he didn't eat at all yesterday.

He crouched drown on his legs to look under Lance's bed, there indeed was clothes fit for someone his size. He pulled them out, they were perfectly clean and smelled like a mixture of oranges and watermelon. Lancelot put them on the bed, ignoring them, and left the room.

Since he had no idea where the 'lounging room' was, he was just going to explore. He chose left, and followed the hallway. It was lined with doors upon doors. He continued until there was another fork in the road. Deciding to go left again, he continued until he saw a difference in the never changing hallways. Two doors lined in grey with small rectangular windows at the top, to high for Lancelot to peak through. He reached into his shorts pocket and felt the familiar blister causing handle. He tightened his grip before walking into the room.

 In there was a large circular couch with two people sitting down, a step that led to a back door was covered by another person, three others stood behind the couch. When he walked in, all eyes turned to him.

"Lance...?" The women sitting down questioned, she had a thick accent.  Her long silver hair was pulled up slightly, her ears were oddly pointed, and she had these weird tattoo like things under her eyes.

The emo looking one grinned and started over, "Bout time you woke up. Scared the crap out of Hunk."

The teenager sitting down with the women gasped, his eyes wide and watery. "OhmygoshLance!IamSoooooSorry!Pleasedon'tbemad!!!!!" He spoke in one breath, before breaking into a sob again.

"Were you into mummies when you were ten or something?And so short..." The geeky, male-looking, girl mumbled as she fixed her glasses.

The skunk styled man smiled warmly as he looked at Lancelot, "You okay bud? Why didn't you take a bath before coming? You always go on and on about your personal hygiene." He said, but he sounded like he was joking.

The one that made him uncomfortable the most though, was the man with the mustache. He spoke at lightning speed about something called a moomatle creature who covered itself in leave forming a mummy like state to scare off predators.

"Lance?" They said sounding worried, for Lancelot. Finally having enough, he wanted answers and he wanted them now.

"Who the fuck are you?" 


He looks similar to Zack from Angels of Death as a kid, except blue eyes and brown hair! Also he has cut/stab marks and not burn marks.

Also yes, I am basing this off somewhat Zacks backstory BUT there are huge changes that will be stated.

I am loving this story =)

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