Chapter 4

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{AHH! Sorry guys, I'm late for the update! Hopefully that won't be a habit... Oh yeah, thank you so much for 22 views!!!)

Crona's POV

     Hearing the first school bell ring, I feel my stomach churning violently. I've been in the DWMA for a few years now (2 or 3 maybe?) and I still haven't gotten used to it's unpleasant sounds unfortunately. It's much more unnerving knowing that new people must be coming and a change in schedule is always a nightmare! I don't think I could handle being around anyone else but my companions. I'm not sure Maka would be able to walk with me to our classes much this year since we don't share much and that she would be busy (Well, that's what she claimed). "wHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! Give me candy and get to class already!!!" A harsh voice pounds in my head, it must be Ragnarok. Being with him is terrible, I permanently suffer from a demon transfusion. "I can hear your thoughts, you little..!!" I wince at Ragnarok's sharp insults. I reach into the bag on my bed quickly, grabbing a snickers bar I bought from the convenience store the other day to silence him. Handing it to him, I rush out of the cell to my 1st class {Better? Hah, you get it? It's the Snickers commercial thing. Man, that's so oldddd.}.

    Fortunately, I have Dr. Stein's first class, which is not far away from here. I really wish Maka was with me right now because I can't deal with being alone and I cant handle the strangers bumping into me in the halls. I get to class pretty early, so not much people were here. I pick a random seat, relaxing a little, to wait for the professor to enter. As more and more people enter the room, uneasiness starts to wash over me. Without Maka, I feel so isolated (even with Ragnarok), extremely uncomfortable, or just generally unhappy. I spend the rest of time thinking for what feels long until I notice a girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes walking in my direction...

     I could feel my eyes bulge out of my head once she sits right next to me. Once she's there, her head turns to face me. I try my best not to notice. I could feel my cheeks darken and my body becoming stiff. "Hey kid, what's wrong with you? You're so sweaty!!" Ragnarok inquires. 'I don't know, a strange girl is sitting next to me and I don't even know her, I can't deal with it!!!' "Well, learn to!!! I can't stand you doing that!!!!" 'Ok, ok! Please stop screaming in my head! It hurts!' I lay my hand over my head to ease the pain, until he stops. A few seconds later, I look over to see the girl sitting next to me; to my horror, I find that she is staring at me. I can feel my hands shaking and my face sweating more than before. 'Ragnarok! She's staring at me!!! How do I get her to stop?!' "JUST TELL HER TO GET AWAY FROM YO-" Right before Ragnarok finishes, an almost bold voice cuts him off. It was almost like music to my ears. "Ah! S-sorry! I was lost in thought." I turn to see the source of the voice, which was just the girl sitting next to me. We look at each other for a few uncomfortable seconds before she shakes her head and continues to talk. "By the way, my name is (Y-y/n) and I'm a miesterless weapon. It's nice to meet you!" She stutters a bit when she introduces herself, which I find a little cute to be honest. (Y/n)... What a pretty name. Suddenly, I notice her hand moving up for me to shake. I don't feel so sure about shaking it, but I don't really think she could hurt me here. I force myself to shake her hand and I say, "He-hello.. My n-name's Cr-Crona... I'm the Demon Swordsman.." Oh, maybe I shouldn't have said that whole title because I don't know if I could trust her yet. Things get quiet and uncomfortable again, so I turn my head away from (Y/n) to avoid her stare that I find a little too fazing and I really start wondering about what she's thinking of that's distracting her. She may have a habit of staring..... oh gosh... After what feels like forever, she finally asks me, "Hey, a-are you ok? You don't look too good, in fact're pale and ....trembling..." I freeze and I slowly turn head back to her now worried face. "I-I'm sorry, I just g-get nervous on the first d-day of the school y-year." I feel my cheeks darkening, so I attempt to cover them with my hands. I impulsively continue, "... I als-so can't deal with g-girls .....especially when they stare at me.". I fortunately say it quietly because I would be worried that if she heard, she may find it rude and she wouldn't want to talk to me ever again and I would be lonely. To be honest, I feel happy that someone actually wanted to talk to me besides Ragnarok and Maka. "What are you talking about? I never said that I wanted to talk to you" 'Ragnarok, please. Just let me feel happy for once. I'll give you more candy later, I promise.'. After a second or two, I hear (Y/n) asking me something. "Wait, what did you sa-"

Her question was immediately cut off by the startling yet familiar sound of someone entering the classroom and falling with a rolling chair. I immediately knew who it was once I heard sound. It was Stein!

{Yeah, this is the same as Chapter 3, but in Crona's POV : ) . Gosh, Ragnarok is such an ass! To be honest, it was physically and emotionally hard to write Ragnarok without being OOC because I don't want to insult Crona. I love Crona so much. Next update will come next week (hopefully)!!!}

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