Chapter 5 Can't remember to forget you

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Wayo had made a few mistakes in life but people are only human and mistakes are something we can't escape. He'd like to believe Phana was the biggest mistake he ever made but Ming just happened to be life's way of balancing the equation. Letting himself think about Phana again was probably a close second but he wasn't going to start obsessing over him again just because of a few occasional,well more of constant trips down memory lane. He should be stronger than that.

Shouldn't he?

But he wasn't.

Wayo knows he really shouldn't be where he was. He was beyond this and shouldn't be letting a jerk control him or his life choices. But there he was sitting in front of his computer going over the University he knew Phana Kongthanin just happened to attend. He had the little P'Pha fan club at his school,which he had been kicked out of after his public embarrassment,to thank for this information.

The school in itself was nice and Wayo just accepted the fact that he was looking up potential schools he'd love to attend once he was done with high school and this wasn't just him being an idiot who can't get over a crush even after a traumatic event that practically changed him as a person forever. No. It was just a high schooler looking up a University where he could possibly further his education in a nice stable and quality environment.

And when he told Ming that he wanted to attend said University carefully leaving out the part about Phana just happening to go there he wasn't being a bad best friend who was lying for his own selfish and quite foolish desires. No,he was just telling his best friend about a University he liked and avoiding unnecessary drama by not reminding his friend about some jerk from their past. He wasn't doing any wrong.

He wasn't going to feel guilty about Ming using all his free time and effort in helping him study so he could get into said University where the cause of his heart ache and probably his best friends arch nemesis was schooling because he had nothing to be guilty about. If things worked out Ming would never know about Phana and he himself might never even cross paths with the male. It was a big school.

He did no wrong in telling his father all about the University. Playing up it's standards to a beyond exaggerated point just to get his father's approval on his choice which he would have gotten no matter his choice of school despite the fact that he could send himself on another downward spiral by crossing paths with the person who broke his heart so bad there was nearly nothing left to fix. That was ridiculous. He was merely being responsible and planning with his father for his future.

He was still a good person as he celebrated with Ming. All hugs and smiles when his friend announced he also would be striving to attend the same University as Wayo. And Phana. But the male didn't know that yet and if he was lucky he never would. His friend even having to plead endlessly with his parents for him to be allowed to go there. Yet Wayo was still convincing himself,no matter how hard the truth slapped him in the face, that it was perfectly fine and it wouldn't matter. It was great his friend and him would attend the same University even.

He wasn't in denial when he checked up on students' social media and saw that Phana was just as popular and well known as he had been in high school,probably even more so having been the Moon of his year, yet refusing to fess up and tell Ming about the male convincing himself it didn't matter because he was going to that University because he liked it and not for Phana Kongthanin.

It was fine when Ming got accepted by the University first. Congratulated his friend with genuine happiness and stayed up late dreaming aloud all the great fun they'd be getting into together soon enough.

Wayo as well got accepted not long after and his friend was equally as happy for him. His father had been so proud and Wayo accepted their praise and congratulations with big smiles. He was going to the same University as Ming. The same as Phana. But that didn't matter because Phana didn't matter to him.

Time seemed to just fly by and now here he was helping Ming with packing up his stuff to be sent off to the University where he would be joining his friend at in a week. And as he watched his friend get into the car,but not before crushing him into a huge hug,he couldn't help but finally realize. He fucked up. His friend was being sent off to the same University as Phana and he had been the reason for it. He was going to that same University. He could meet Phana again. He would meet Phana again.

Ming would meet Phana again.

A/N: Wtf am I even doing anymore. I love drama 😂. Poor Wayo. This was supposed to be a crack fic.

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