chapter 10

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"Again." I said to Kylo Ren. He sported black training clothes on. He charged at me with his Saber. I easily dodged him and pushed the man to the ground. His lightsaber buzzed so loudly.

"Aren't you suppose to be the Leader of the Knights of Ren? You're pathetic!" My words pierced through him. "Again." I spit through my teeth. As calm as I was, my anger at his weak and flimsy thrusts of the saber left me a bad taste in my mouth.

He backed up and dashed again with full force. His rage from my flying insults made him more precise. I actually stood face to face with him, pushing back. I smiled. "Better." Then, I pushed him back down. "Again."

I drove him down once more. "Again."

His technique was too predictable. "Again."



The memories of his technique and predictability left me at an advantage. Our Sabers clash and light up the dark room with a fury red hue. I remember his usual lunges and attempts at switching things up. My body is too weak to have him use his physical force against me. I need to be as swift as the air around me.

Ren lunges his whole body towards my left flank. His right foot takes a step. I take my left leg and swing it around, hitting his popliteal (back knee). His right leg bends down and I swing up behind him and cross my twin sabers in front of his neck.

I scoff. "Predictable as ever, Ren."

Fear sets on his face. "Do you remember everything, (L/N)?"

"I remember enough." I sheath my short red sabers and stand up straight.

"Do you remember your accident before your coma?" He stands and turns to me. His height looms over my smaller figure.

"No. I haven't gotten that far. Please. Enlighten me." I hold both of my weapons in my right hand and place my left on my hips. So sassy am I.

"I... I am not aware of what exactly happened. No one is. I thought you might have remembered is all." He backs up a few steps. His tense presence subsides. "Then do you remember what Snoke wanted us to do together, (L/N)?"

I shake my head. I really don't know.

"Our former Supreme Leader requested us to have children of strong force sensitivity." His voice becomes lower and more quiet.

"Thank the Sith that you are Supreme Leader now, because that's not happening." I reply bluntly. I turn to leave from the awkward and strenuous situation.

A pull from my grasp yanks out my weapons. It flies into Kylo Ren's fingers. His eyes are dark with intention. "No. We don't. In fact, I'd rather not. But the two of us, we could be unstoppable."

"You're weak for resorting to taking my weapons." I say.

He swiftly steps toward me. I glare back at him. I'm not afraid of him. His large hand lifts up and my neck squishes as my feet no longer touch the ground.

"I'm weak? Look at you! You're nothing what you used to be. You're nothing without me now." Ren's raspy growl echoes in the dark training room.

Is he serious right now? I'm the one that's weak? What is with this weird power play he is doing, trying to choke me?

He pulls me closer to him. His left hand, holding my body in air whilst strangling me. This can't be happening. I can't move. Kylo's black glove slips off onto the ground. His hand squeezes my cheeks. "If you aren't with me, then I have no use for you."

His grip around my neck tightens even more. I panic.

I lift my hand and copy his trick. I squeeze as hard as I could at his stomach.

He jolts from the pain, letting me go. I land on the hard cold floor as he heaves the remnants of food from his stomach. I gasp for air. My heart pounds through my sternum. I lean over on all fours and crawl towards the man I never loved. Slowly, weakly, I hoist myself up and tower over Ren. He gasps and heaves.

"You don't control me, Ren." I tilt my head. My psychotic expression scares anyone; even my so called Supreme Leader. I reach for my weapons as they fly into my hand. I point them towards his pathetic face. I want to kill him. I really do.

Kylo looks up at me with such sad dark eyes.

A flash of memory races through my mind.

"Why do you enjoy using me!?" Kylo said angrily, crashing his lightsaber against mine.

"I told you my intentions since the very beginning. It's not my fault that you grew feelings for me." I redirect his lightsaber to the ground.

"I hate you." He growls.

"Good. Now fight with that hate. Try to kill me." I swing my lightsaber at him.

He dodges away. "I don't know if I can kill you. I still want you around."

"Then I'll just use that to my advantage." I smirk deviously, making my lunges more lethal.

Those same eyes he had back then, sad and lonely and broken.

I stare him down, lightsaber in hand. I could easily do it, but something in me keeps hesitating. Is it pity? Do I actually feel bad for him?

Am I a bad person?

I turn from him and walk away. The door slides open and I walk out, but not before glancing back at him. He's scared. He's lost. He's defeated. His attempt to overpower me has failed.

I walk through the hallways to find Armitage. There is so much I need to ask him about. I need to know everything. Where could he be? I attempt to use my force to find him. I'm not sure how that is going to work, because he isn't force sensitive. That leads me nowhere.

I'm so confused. I don't know what I should do. I don't have enough of my memory. A tear flows down my cheek. What happened back there... I'm so frustrated. Angry.

I head to the main control room. An officer stands in the place of where Armitage should be.


The female officer jumps and turns to see me. Fear strikes her heart. "A-Admiral (L/N)!" She bows.

Ugh. I arrogantly step towards her. "Tell me the location of General Hux."

The stiff officer replies. "General Hux is currently in an important and classified meeting, Admiral (L/N)!"

I laugh. "Is that your final answer?"

"Yes?" She says.

"Wrong answer. I was nice enough to give you a second chance as well." I ignite one lightsaber. She jumps. Her breathing becomes heavy. I impale her through her stomach. She immediately falls down, lifeless. The entire room stands in fear and shock from what I just did. I'm not sure what they expected of me. She didn't give me the information I wanted.

"I'm going to ask again. Where is General Hux?" I yell out for others to here.

"Meeting room 5279!" A single officer yells out.

"Holy Sith, thank you. That's all I wanted to hear. You're promoted to her position." I point to the corpse on the ground. I extinguish my saber and put it back into my belt.

"Now have someone clean this up." I say. With that, I storm out of the control room.

I enjoy the pain and suffering of others. I really do. So why don't I enjoy Kylo's suffering? No, I don't love him. That's not what is causing me to pity him. There's something else and I don't know what it could be. I think I have a problem.

I think I'm... empathetic.

Ew. There's no way.

Time to crash a meeting.

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