Thank You

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"Wait, so you got to saw one of the girls that going to join us and you didn't tell me." I am sitting down in the library with Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon as always. Chae said that yesterday they meet the new roommate who's going to be living at the house soon. I am still not fully sure if I am going to move with them or not. Until now, I was just playing with Mina. It's really fun teasing her all the time and her responses always enjoyable hehe.

"The girl just came to see the house and have a feeling of the place. But don't worry, we will get to see her SOON." Chaeyoung said with a emphasizing the last word for a reason. I gave her a questioning look but she shrugged it and ignored me in a playful way. This girl... Sometimes she makes me think that she's a kid with her childish behaviors.

"Still you guys didn't think of me. I am hurt." Suddenly I pout and looked the other way. Since when I became childish as well? That's ridiculous, I turned around in an attempt of making it a joke but Chaeyoung beats me to it. "Okay, how about this? When my friend comes in from U.S., then we go all together to pick her up and hangout. What do you think?"

Well, it's not like I have anything better in life to do. Well except for taking care of my dear company. " Okay deal. You better not forget me Chaengie." She made an okay sign for me while assuring me with a nod.

There is literally not much to do today. I always hang out with this gang for 3 to 4 hours most of days before heading back to my company. Also, I make sure to take Mina sechdule to figure when I should visit the library so that I could spend sometime with them. It reached a point were people start calling us Power Rangers because we three are always together and Jeongyeon kind of give a fighter vibe. It was really funny when I heard it out of one of the visitors one day.

I make sure to tease Mina before I leave them all the time. In some way, it feels like she knows that I am just playing around with her and despite that she plays along until the end. Even after I read the letter, I felt more responsibility toward her. It's like I want to make sure that she's doing something, talking or smiling but off course not crying. Not only her, but the three of them as well.

After learning a little about those two, I get to realize something I am pretty sure I am aware of but never acknowledge it out loud. That no matter how perfect a human being might look, there is always something that's missing and hidden so no one else can see. And Jeongyeon is no exception as well along with these two.

When you look deep into her eyes, you just don't find anything. It's like empty, no feelings whatsoever. I can't read what's in her mind. It's kind of hard to understand what she's thinking of, that if there was something in the first place.

Most of her time she spend on reading a random book. She would check her phone everywhile as well as look around the place then goes back again to reading.

I didn't get the chance to speak with her like the way I do with Chaeyoung and Mina. It's kind of hard to approach her. You would think that there is a big wall between you and her. That's really what makes me hesitate until now.

"Jihyo, would you like to spend sometime with us back at my house after Mina finishes her job?" Chaeyoung spoke cutting my thoughts. I looked at her blankly because I just snapped away from a deep thinking moment. Probably I look stupid right now. But, about her offer, I don't see why not skipping work today. That's mean more fun teasing time and maybe I get to learn new things about those three. Then I noticed her hands waving toward me. "Oh yeah, it would be fun to come. Sure."

"Great, also our new friend has arrived to the place." A friend... What is Chaeyoung talking about? "There she is." She said pointing toward the entrance way. I looked that way and saw a girl waving to our table, coming toward us. She had a wavy hair and beautiful features as well as a calm figure.

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