Was It a Dream?

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I woke up in the morning with the sounds of birds coming out from the room window. It was a great way to face the day.

The first thing came to my mind is the girl sleeping in my room. With that thought, I jumped out of bed with frustration. Why should I when it's my own house? But I can't help think how awkward meeting each other would be.

I kept shaking my leg and trying to think what should I do now that I am awake. I ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower while thinking of what should I do after I finish.

I came out after done showering and decided to go in my room boldly facing whatever might happen. I was outside the door preparing myself to knock.

I took a super deep breath and knocked softly on the door. But I couldn't hear any responses. After couple more knocks, I decided to open the door softly and carefully to peck inside.

I found out that there is no one in bed. So I pushed my body inside the room, walking slowly and searching for her. But I couldn't find any sign of her existence.

With that, I walked toward the bathroom and knocked three times but there was no answer. So I opened the door and it was empty with know sign of her.

I stood there sinking deeply with my thoughts. Was I dreaming yesterday about the girl? Does she even exist? Was I crazy enough to mix between reality and dreamland? Then I remembered about the phone calls and the messages from the lawyer. So I ran toward my parents room and picked my phone trying to confirm my suspicion.

All the missed calls and messages from yesterday are real. I can see them all. That means I wasn't dreaming yesterday about this Mina girl. Well at least I am not crazy yet. But where did this girl go? Is she in the house somewhere maybe? I need to go see for myself.

I looked around the whole house and couldn't find any sign regarding her. Then I decided to give up and feed my tummy since I didn't eat much the past four days. I don't want to collapse yet.

I went to the kitchen and was debating what should I cook for myself. Then I went to the fridge and opened it trying to look what is there for me to consume. I noticed there is a covered plate inside with a note on it. I took it out and placed it on the table. I grabbed the note and decide to read what's written on it

"You might be hungry by the time you wake up. I made an omelet sandwich for me and extra one for you just in case you are confused about what to eat. The ketchup is on the table. Eat well. Mina~"

Wow, she already know that I am in the house with her and on top of that she made me breakfast sandwich. She seems to be a good girl, it's very considerate of her. But what's up with the ketchup though. Who would eat ketchup in a morning meal? I wonder where did she go to though.

I put the note in my pocket, took the sandwich and start eating it. I made some tea to warm my body in this interesting morning.

While I was enjoying the peaceful moment with my tea, the door rang and I know it's Mr. Jinyoung since he said that he will explain to me about this guest that I have in the house without my knowledge. Like seriously, I could have ended up with a heart attack because of how much scary the situation was yesterday.

I walked toward the door and opened revealing our lawyer smily face. I welcomed him inside my house and brought him a cup of tea to drink with me before getting to talk about the girl. We talked a little about the company situation and how is things getting dealt by Hirai Family the past three days. Seriously, I am so glad that we have such friends like them. I haven't seen Hirai Momo since two years ago when I left to United States. I hope we can meet soon.

After this small took, Mr. Jinyoung adjust his position and looked at me straight in the eyes and I was waiting for him to speak about this girl since I am dying to know the story.

"You probably saw my messages either today in the morning or late at night. I wanted to tell you yesterday regarding Mina but I forgot to mention the topic regarding her. You probably have seen her and want some answers to your questions. The girl called Mina as far as I know. Your parents never mentioned her complete name to me or anyone else. She start living with your parents not long ago after you left. They let her use you room as you can see that the guest room you filled it up with games according to what your parents told me. So they had no choice but to let her use your room for the time being. They treated her just like a daughter and sometimes brought her with them to the company. They never mentioned any deep details regarding her as I can assume that they are trying to keep her identity hidden according to my calculations."

I was looking at Ms. Jinyoung straight in the face hearing every words carefully. He continued his talking.

"That's all what I know regarding the girl called Mina. Not sure what you, Ms. Son, going to do regarding her staying here with you. But if you my allow me suggest you to leave her here until you open you parents papers after 10 days period ends regarding their well. Cause I don't think that the girl has a place to go too for now."

My eyes soften with the last sentence Mr. Jinyoung said. I looked at him and nodded with small smile before I proceed to begin my talk.

"Even though what you have said couldn't answer half of the questions in my head, I am still thankful for such information. I believe my parents where doing the right thing and they are trying to provide that girl with a safe environment. I also believe that they wish from me to treat her the same way after they left. So rest assured that I won't make her feel unwanted in the house. And since my parents didn't tell anyone info regarding her identity, I will also try not to dig anything regarding her background and treat her the same way my family did respecting her privacy."

"oh, also I haven't had a sibling before, so might as well experience what does it look like to have one to share the house with. So don't worry, I will take good care of her just like how my parents did."

Mr. Jinyoung nodded satisfied with my reassuring words. He apologized again for forgetting such topic and took his leave leaving me to rest. I walked with him to the front door, thanked him and bid farewell to each other with a full bow.

I closed the door and sat in the living room stareing at nothing but empty air trying to think what should I do with all the information I have regarding the girl. It's not like I have anything interesting in my life anyway to deal with. Well for sure I need to continue studying but that's not until a couple of months.

It looks like my life now will be more interesting than what I imagined would be like without my parents.

Should I cook dinner for her. But I don't even know when she's coming back or where did she go in the first place. We didn't even introduce ourselves to each other.

Man that's looks more harder than I thought. Well, to begin with, food comes first even if there is a war happening.

That's how I decided to go out of my house and buy some ingredients to cook for Mina and myself as a thanks for the breakfast sandwich. But I didn't expect that fate could play it's game and end up meeting her.

To Be Continued...

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