Found You

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I was just roaming around the bridge that I used to visit often with Sana. Looking around to see those cars passing by and how the small lights emitting and moving together to create such alive image. After a while, I was able to reach our usual spot. I throw my hands on the barriers and rested my chin on the cold metal. Closing my eyes...

Oh, how I wish we go back to the days we used to hang out together. I called it that way because we never really did anything couple like. She was always soft whenever I am around. Making sure that I am comfortable and safe in a way. Her eyes used to scan our surrounding all the time. I would always catch her doing that as if she was afraid of something or even someone. It didn't use to be that often, but she's always alarmed for any danger. 

With her presence, I felt that I could be myself and I wouldn't care. People around didn't matter to me as she was more than enough to have in my life.

I was looking into the river until I saw myself leaning forward to have a close look at the spot we used to sit down in. I was trying to get a better view so I lifted my body on to get a little over the barriers. Then an embrace startled me but as soon as I heard the voice, I knew who that was. What I wasn't expecting though, was her words that came rushing as if I was going to do something bad to myself. She was holding me tight between her arms and I could feel her shaking.

So she does care after all as I thought...

I need to face her again. "Sana??? What are you doing here??" In which I felt her hand leaving my hips quickly to allow me to turn around.

"No, what are YOU doing?" She seems very angry and upset. She kept a close distance between us. Did she really think I was going to do something stupid? Well, I can't blame her, I would have thought the same.

"I was just looking at our spot that we used to sit on. Did you forget that we used to sit down beyond these barriers? There is a space to walk beyond it..." I gestured my head toward the spot. I bet she forgot that even if I tried to cross over, there is more space to access before actually you could fall into the river.

"Oh..." I guess she just remembered. I swear this girl...

"Well, I am leaving then." WAIT WHAT???! "No wait, you can't just come and go like that whenever you want. You were going to tell me the truth." What's wrong with this girl, she was about to tell me everything or at least something. I am not leaving her today.

"Well watch me doing that. Bye." She was about to turn around, but no. We have to get things straight. Two years were more than enough time.

"I am going to throw myself from here." Okay, really, like I am sometimes really impressed with my brain.

"You wouldn't do it." She looked at me with that done face -_-.

"Oh yeah. Watch me then." Saying it to her with confidence.

"Well, suit yourself..." She turned around attempting to walk away from me.

"At least tell me if you really wanted to break me like that..." And it seems that my questions were able to stop her somehow. I saw her take a halt and her hands turning into a fist.

"Mina, I never wanted to hurt you. All that I ever wanted is to protect you." Her voice was soft and full of sincerity. "And despite my efforts, I ended up bringing you pain... I just couldn't... I... Mina, you won't understand... I just...." She sounds very troubled. Her head was leaning down to face the ground and I could see the pressure she's under. I mean how hard could it be to just share the truth?

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