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"GET UP OR AH'LL POUND YA WEE HEAD!" A voice yelled, shaking Kristoff's shoulders. Kristoff's head pounded but his eyelids were too heavy too open.

"Uh, Mer, that's not helping..." A gentler voice said from somewhere next to him.




"Go check the other room,"



"FINE!" The sound of Merida's footsteps faded away.

"Kristoff," The gentle voice was soft, "You need to wake up. Anna needs you,"


Kristoff immediately forced his eyes open. He felt light-headed and impossibly heavy at the same time. Dizziness took over. Through his blurry vision, he could make out a two, big green eyes staring at his face.

"Where's Anna...?" Kristoff's voice came out in a hoarse whisper. He tried to sit up in the chair but he was so dizzy, he slumped back down again.

"Oooh, your awake! Here, drink this!" The voice squealed. There was a sound of a bowl scraping off a table and then something was lifted to his lips. A warm liquid filled his mouth, and down his throat, making him feel immensely better. It tasted like hazelnuts.

"My favorite soup always makes me feel great!" The voice said cheerfully as he drank. Kristoff sat up and rubbed his eyes as his vision sharpened. It looked like he was in the palace kitchen with Rapunzel infront of him, her hair covering most of the clean floor. 

"IS THA LAD AWAKE?!" Merida hollered from the other room. Kristoff winced at the sudden loudness while Rapunzel just sighed. 

"NO!" Rapunzel yelled back, a flash of guilt on her face because of the lie.

"TELL ME WHEN HIS AWAKE SO AH CAN ASK 'EM HOW TA GET ANNA BACK!" The red heads voice seemed to get even louder. There was a faint crash and Kristoff could hear her grumbling about 'Stupid wee vases'.

"What to you mean 'get Anna back'?" Kristoff said, panic webbed in his voice. He tried to stand up but Rapunzel pushed him back down. 

"Um..." Rapunzel clutched on a strand of her long hair, looking worried, "Anna'ssortapossessed-"


"-andyourtheonlypersonwhocangetherbacktonormal!" Rapunzel said quickly as if she was trying to fast-forward the bad news and get it over with.

Kristoff opened his mouth to panic but Rapunzel cut him off.

"Please don't freak out!" Rapunzel bit her lip, a pleading look in her eyes. Kristoff shut his mouth and nodded. The healer took a deep breath a step away from what she was hiding behind her.

Anna was sitting limply on a chair, her head slumped down over her chest. Her hair was her usual bed hair instead of her two plaits but she was dressed in her normal green dress. It was crumpled so it looked like she slept in it. Her eyes were dreamy and faraway, losing all the happy spark in them. Drool escaped her mouth as she blankly stared into nothingness.

"Anna!" Kristoff quickly stood up and kicked the chair back, leaning over her. She didn't respond, her eyes seemed to be set on a plate of chocolates.

"Who did this?" Kristoff's panic melted into anger, his grip tightening on the chair's arms, "It was that Jake guy, wasn't it? He better not show his face or I'll-"

"Yes, it was Jake," Rapunzel cut him off, not wanting to listen Ice sellers torture methods, "But right now, we need to help Anna. The others are already out there somewhere."

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