Frying Pan..?

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Bad day...bad day...bad day... 

Yup, that was all Rapunzel could think as Hans dragged her back to the Ice Castle. She couldn't really think, really. Hans seemed to have a strong grip on her hair and it was pulling on her skull, the pain almost unbearable.

She wished she could yell at him but he had gagged her mouth with a foul-smelling handkerchief from who-knows-where. For the next five minutes, she hoped the the handkerchief was clean. Of course, it had to be clean, he's a prince so he wouldn't stick a snotty handkerchief in her mouth...right?

Rapunzel shook her head roughly. First, to try and loosen the douche's grip on her poor skull and also to clear her thoughts of any unnecessary things like having snotty handkerchiefs as gags. She had to concentrate on how to get rid of Hans. She wished she had her frying pan but she had dropped it in the Ice Castle when the shadows fist had slammed her out.

She thought about swinging her legs and tripping him downhill the slippery slope but then she realized that her hands were tied in a rope that led to his one hand and her hair was clutched in the other. If she tripped him and he didn't let go of her during the fall, they would both go downhill.

"Almost there, Sunshine," Hans muttered to her, grinning. Rapunzel glared at him with all the hatred she could muster up in her eyes. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?!" Hans wrenched at her hair making her cringe in pain, "Stop it!"

Rapunzel continued to glare daggers at him. Oh, just you wait till I'm free, you frickle-frackling douche jerk!  

Hans guiltily looked away from her agonizing stare and continued to pull her up the mountain slope. Occasionally, he would slip on the ice, pulling on her hair and making her blanch in pain.

After a few minutes of slipping and hair-dragging, a shadow loomed over them and beautiful crystals  winked in the starlight. Hans whispered in her ear, making her shudder in disgust:

"We're here."


 Flynn could feel the darkness coming from the staff.

It felt cold. Like he was holding a freezing block of ice than a wooden stick. It gave him the chills and froze his insides, as if he had lost all hope and happiness in his life.

In other words, it was not a very nice feeling.

He did have a sudden urge to drop the staff the moment he picked it up. But he didn't. He barely made it out with it. The darkness that had clouded the room caused a lot of confusion and Flynn was actually quite lucky to come out unharmed and unnoticed by Jake.

Still deep in his thoughts, Flynn didn't even notice the big branch in front of him, lying in the snow. His foot caught in it and he was sent flying downwards. He landed flat on his stomach, face-planting the cold snow. He groaned in irritation, lifting his up and wiping the snow of his lashes.

But then he noticed it. A footprint. Not a very big one actually. But who would be walking in the cold with bare feet...?

Flynn instantly jumped up and studied the prints in the snow. They were fresh. A little dragged as if someone was rushing up the slope. A small line trail followed between the prints.

It was obviously Rapunzel's small feet and hair trail. There was also boot prints next o hers so she was with someone. Flynn couldn't just ignore them...

He sighed to himself. He didn't really feel like doing this but if Rapunzel's prints were leading there then he doesn't really have a choice. He was glad that she was alive even though he was unconscious when she disappeared from the fight. And following her feels like such a bad idea especially when he still has the staff...

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