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Rapunzel's eyes widened at the brunette.

He was getting ready to fight with her evil cousin. Rapunzel also noticed that Merida and Toothless were strapped to tilted tables and Hiccup, deathly pale, was standing very still on a weird black platform. Jack was still on the ground, bleeding badly. 

Rapunzel wished she could run out there and heal the guardian of fun but Hans was still holding her by her hair and her hands by ropes. Even if he did let go of her hair, she couldn't run out there because he would curl the rope around his fist and pulled her towards him.

She didn't know why they were hiding in the shadows. They had arrived just when Elsa and Jake started to battle. Hans must want to keep out the way. But when Flynn arrived, Rapunzel started to struggle to be free again. She didn't know how Flynn got a staff but she didn't think he knew how to use it.

"C'mon, Master, get up..." Rapunzel heard Hans urge Jake in a whisper. Jake was lying almost 3 steps away from where they were hiding and Hans seemed too much of a coward to be exposed yet.

Rapunzel's eyes trailed to her hands. Her wrists were tied together but her advantage was that her fingers were inches away from the sheath on Hans's side. A sword glinted in the starlight coming from the hole in wall.

Slowly, without Hans noticing, she acting as if she were fidgeting uncomfortably but really she was slowly tugging on the rope that bound her wrists. Rapunzel decided that her feet could also be used as a distraction. She only took a second to think about it as Flynn and Elsa were already battling each other. Hans was distracted when a another shadow hit the wall near them.

Rapunzel swung her ankle backwards and tripped Hans over, grabbing his sword with her fingers as he fell down. The sword slipped out of his sheath and she quickly swung it to cut through the rope that held her wrists. Hans had let go of her hair in surprise so she didn't go crashing down with him, luckily.

As she took the moment to enjoy the loosened grip on her poor hair, Hans quickly stumbled up and swung a punch at her. She dodged the first but he caught her in the cheek with his other curled hand. Pain shot through her red cheek and spread to her head, blood trickling down from under her eyes because of his nails.

Rapunzel decided quickly. She didn't want to kill him so, as he tried to grab the sword back from her, she jabbed the hilt of the sword hard against his skull and knocked him out cold. He slumped on the floor and she kicked him just for good measure...and because she wanted to.

Removing the repulsive gag, she whispered to herself, "And they all think I'm just a blonde-headed, innocent bimbo," She then paused for a second and then shrugged to herself, "I'm not really a real blonde but whatever.''

She then shakily stood, blood sliding down her face as she walked towards the fight, the sword dragging noisily on the ice-floor.


Jack thought he was done for.

His wound was bleeding badly and now the pain was almost unbearable. He felt light-headed and impossibly heavy at the same time. Stars danced before his eyes. Merida's hair seemed unnaturally bright. The ground seemed to be tilting. He was done for, he knew it.

That is, until he saw Rapunzel.

She didn't look so good with blood running down her face and dripping on her pink-puirple dress but her braid was still there, so he had a chance of getting healed.

"Hey, Punzie!" Jack groaned, trying to crawl forward. She didn't hear him because his voice drowned in the sound of another shadow hitting the wall. Jack groaned and, despite the situation, Merida snickered.

Jack called out again, "Punzie!", this time she heard him but she merely looked at him and continued to walk towards the fight between Flynn and Elsa. Jack groaned for the hundredth time.

Great, the only person who can help him from dying was going after her idiotic boyfriend instead. The same boyfriend who had stole Jacks girlfreind's ex-boyfrineds's staff and now fighting Jack's girlfriend- who is now as evil as Jack's lookalike -while FLynn's healing-girlfriend won't heal her evil cousin's dying -and awesome- boyfriend instead!

Man, it's frustrating.

"Well..." Jack glanced at Merida, Hiccup and Toothless, "This is fun..."


Flynn grinned.

He had just slashed a shadow at Evil Elsa's arm and cut arm deeply, blood running out of her injury. He didn't really mean to do that, it was actually an accident, but why waste the glory?

"I take it you don't like me?" Flynn tilted his head to one side, just emphasizing the mockery.

Elsa scowled at him.

"Yeah, I get that a lot," Flynn smirked, "You know, you used to look at me like that when I messed up your hair or spill a drink. When you were normal, by the way. I used to ruffle Blondie's hair a lot but she didn't mind..."

Elsa scowled even more and raised her good arm to conjure a shadow.

"Oh and speaking of Rapunzel..." Flynn grinned, "She's right behind you."

Elsa didn't even time to turn around when Rapunzel jumped on her and tackled her to the ground. Rapunzel, not wanting to slice her cousin, used the hilt of the sword to attack but Elsa dodged it quickly despite her bad arm.

"Get off me, you little pest!" Elsa growled, flicking her wrist and sending a shadow straight at Rapunzel. Rapunzel managed to jump the first one but the blood on her face blurred her vision so she couldn't see the other one coming. It slammed against her and she slid across the ice and crumpled to the floor, blood spreading into a small puddle around her.

"Blondie!" Flynn yelled. He could see she was still breathing but he was still mad. He turned to Dark Elsa, "So not cool, you'll pay for that!"

Dark Elsa rolled her yellow eyes at the ironic statement. So not cool? Really? But she didn't have time to comment back. Flynn had raised the staff and aimed it at her, anger burning in his eyes.

Just as he was about to send a wave of deathly shadows, a hand gripped the staff and a voice whispered in his ear:

"I'd like to have my staff back now."


'sup, guys! *falls flat on face...again*

Sorry I'm not updating so much,

There's a lot going on.

And I deeply apologize that this chap is so short.

I'll try and update sooner :(

(I LUrv this vid>>>>>)




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