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Jake blinked.

His whole body hurt. His head swam. Spots of light appeared before his eyes. But what is that? Is that...blood? 


It dripped on the floor. A steady rhythm. Plopping, splattering and spreading on the cracked blue ice. The pain was agonizing. Jake could feel his body burning, going so limp.

He looked down. The spear. So dark, dangerous and jammed into his chest. It was a little twisted because she had to drive it through his rib cage. But the pain was distracting him. The blood ran along the spear, onto her hands. She had driven the spear right through. She stood right in front of him, their noses almost touching. His own spear fell to the floor.

His heart was slowing.

He knew it was over now.

"Oh," Jake said in a horse whisper, "Would you look at that? I've been impaled."

 When she lifted her head, he expected yellow eyes and a gloating smirk, but her eyes were the beautiful ice blue. Star was back. She must have realized what she had done because her face was horrified.

"Wh-what..?" She gasped, turning even paler. Her hair was still black and the shadows around her were still unfurling. It was like she awoke from a deep slumber only to find herself driven the spear through an enemy's heart.

"Star," He whispered. She tried to interrupt but he shushed her, "I'm sorry."

She didn't reply, shocked probably. But her eyes spoke a million questions.

"I know I cause you a lot of...hurt," Jake continued, his body now losing all feeling, "But I always loved a way."

Silent tears started to roll down her cheeks. She must be thinking herself even more of a monster, letting dark forces take over her mind and killing him.


"At least, you have someone out there who loves you." Jake inclined his head slightly, towards the Frost boy who was paralyzed in shock. Elsa choked in sobs. 


The steady splatter of blood and Elsa's tears on the floor. The ragged breathing of the dying person. The sun rising up and filtering through the cracks. Jake was felt himself loosening on the thread of life.

He saw those scary yellow eyes return again...


His heart stopped...


His body went limp.


She smiled.

She would have felt pity for him, honestly, but Dark Elsa didn't really care. She let the normal Elsa out just for a few moments to see that pathetic creature die...just for the fun of it.

Elsa cackled and nudged Jake's body aside with the toe of her heels as if he were some disgusting dead animal. She knew that her 'team' was watching her in shock. They were obviously now free from the straps and the platform she lay out for them. She loved the fear coming from them, especially her sweet healer cousin. Rapunzel had always been very close to Elsa. Well, the old Elsa.

"Such a shame really," Elsa raised her yellow eyes at them as she placed one hand on her hip, "That fight was interesting. He could have been my boyfriend if he weren't trying to kill me."

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