Part 5

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The once clean gym is now covered in balloons and confetti paired with the dimes light that set the romantic aura for a perfect proposal.

"whoever did this deserve a round of applause" the clapping of her hand echoes in the big room "time to get out of here" the gym doors fly open just as she turns around to use the next exit

Students flood the room. Some look shocked that she is already in there but everyone else just ignores her presence hiding her deep within the depth of the circle

For a moment, she wants to turn around and leave but for some reason she stays. No matter how lonely and anti romantic she may appear to be, she still wants to be loved

The world deserves one less lonely girl. She thinks

Lele and the others walk in. Rodney's cheeky smile is on full blast almost reminding Philomena of what they once had but the sight of Rochelle laughing along with his weird jokes brings her back to reality.

She hides further into the crowd and makes her way out on the other side closest to the centre for a better view.

"Her eyes hey yes makes the stars look like they're not shinning" Bruno Mars serenades the students through the speakers scaring a few unsuspecting students.

The door is held open for Noah to walk in. The students cheer for him loudly as he makes a beeline for Philomena. He grabs her hand and leads her out of the crowd and into the spot light.

"Noah, noah..." he ignore her calling

"Philomena my Philomena, will you be my date"

"No, no,nonono.." she whispers to him

"What do you mean no?" he whispers back "I have loved you for a long time and would love for you to give me a chance. Give us a chance" by now people are starting to pick up on the awkwardness

"I can't do this Noah, i'm sorry" she whispers and begins to distance herself from him

She casts her eyes from left to right searching for an exit and she sees one except the strange man from before is standing by the door like a guardian.

A silent plea comes from him for her to say 'no'. He takes a deep breath fixing his posture and opens the door. Like an alarm going off she mutters a quick "I'm sorry" one last time before making a beeline for the exit. Without thinking she pulls him out with her

"get me out of here"

They sit in his silence in his car. Her phone rings breaking the sad moment and without thinking she answers the call.

"What the hell were you thinking Philomena! Noah is my boy and you just dumped him like yesterdays trash. Are you crazy?" Rod yells down at her loud enough for the strange man beside her to hear.

"I-" the phone is snatched out her hands before she can respond

"Don't fucking yell at her. Your loser of a friend should know when he is not wanted just like your opinion. Keep it to yourself and fuck off" he cuts the call on Rod

Philomena snatches her phone back angrily with a deep scowl on her face

"I can fight my battles. I don't need you" he leans back in shock

"Then why are you in my car, get out" he points to the door

"You brought me here"

"Correction you dragged me here"

"Ugh you're infuriating" a tortuous moan leaves her light pink lips

"You're welcome. It has truly been my pleasure" he sarcastically says "haven't spent an hour with you and I already have grey hairs"

"Boohoo, you're dramatic. I'm out of here" she slams the passenger door further pissing him off

"Woman!" he yells after her raking his hands through his sleeked back hair messing it up

Philomena gloatingly sits under the bus stop shed when a sleek white jaguar comes into view. She pretends to not notice the car even as the lid moves up to reveal bright greyish eyes cheekily checking her out.

"A woman as sexy as you shouldn't have to wait on public transportation" she ignores his taunts "You're melting"

"Like you care" she fully turns her back to him

"Of course I do"


"Cause I'm your knight in shinning armour" he cheekily gestures to his body as she rolls her eyes "did you find your brain back there"

"Fuck you" a hearted laugh burst through his chest

"Fine I'll drive you home if you have dinner with me" she thinks trough her choices looking up at the gloomy sky looking just about ready to cry

"Coffee" she says

"I'll take it" She moves to open the passenger door but he steps on the gas making her stumble "Now I want you to beg"

"Get over yourself asshole, I won't beg you for anything" he does it again till she stomps her way back to her previous seat

They've been in the cafe for a while now and are now sitting by the window with warm drinks set before each of them. So far all she knows about the man is his name. Archibald.

"What's your story?" Archibald pays attention to the long lashes that beat against her cheeks

"I don't have a story" he watches her sip on the drink casually

"Oh but I bet you do. Any woman who runs away from people that show an interest in her has a story"

" I don't have one and if I did why would I tell you"

"You don't have to now but you will eventually" there is a promise to his words that scare her a little

"Thank you for this Mr. Archibald but i'll be to leaving now and don't worry. I can find my way from here" she picks up her bag from the ground leaving the speechless man to watch her walk away

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