Part 1

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Twenty four year old Prince Archibald Williams folds his hands behind his back on the balcony

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Twenty four year old Prince Archibald Williams folds his hands behind his back on the balcony. Looking down at the people that showed up just to celebrate him. Gowns on bodies of all shapes and sizes put on display for his satisfaction. He had asked his father to spare him the annual grand event this year but the queen refused and if he knows anything it is that she pulls the strings.

King Rudolf and Queen Sophia are down on the dance floor waltzing to the live orchestra. Rudolf looks up at his son and winks at him when they make eye contact. Archie knows that is his fathers way of telling him to come down and show his face but makes no attempt to move.

Gavin his best friend since they were children sneaks up behind him and shoves him out of view breaking him out of his trance

Gavin's mother always dreamed of working in the palace and for a moment that was a reality till she fell pregnant for the kings cousin three generations removed. Gavin's father wanted nothing to do with him even as his mother abandoned him in the vastly. He was to grow up as a servant but he became more like a brother to Prince Archibald who is 2 years his senior.

"Cesil is acting extra bitchy today with her squad. I heard her tell one of the maids to take her to your room" smoldering Greg eyes snap up to his blue ones in shock. But the shock soon turns into an eye roll

"I don't know why I expected more from her when they are all the same. They spread their legs for one night and think you owe them" he says taking a long gulp of his drink

"Did you have sex with Cesil? Come on, she was supposed to be my thing for tonight and now you ruined her" Gavin dramatically moans

"I did not have sex with Cesil last night and even if I did she is still on the table. The girl is not exactly known for sticking to one dish at a time" he responds still watching Cesil yell at a servant

Women like Cesil think that they have control over everything and everyone is beneath them. They will never be anything more than disposable bedwarmers with money to them.

"Ehhh I'm not that bothered, she will still warm my bed tonight if I tell her of your love for my dumplings" Gavin laughs when Archie shoves him for lying "she's got the bullseye for you. I won't be surprised if he declares you her baby daddy next month. Be prepared to be a father my friend"

"Not this time. I made sure of that"

"You used a condom with her and made her take the morning after pill" Gavin states

"She did it all for me to see and I had her do a check up this morning with the doctor"

"Did she cry when you pulled out the pill?" Archie nods as Gavin laughs again

"They all do" he mutters

Gavin becomes serious after a while and they both silently observe things going on down below. Mothers giving their daughters notes on what to do when approaching a royal.

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