Part 27

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"You have thirty minutes to make your point before I'm out of those doors again and ready to share the last thirty with the police" Elle says as soon as Gavin closes the door

"Can we take this slow" Gavin walks past her into the kitchen as she follows slamming her bag on the counter top

"Like your friend did with mine, putting his hands on her" she says pulling off her jacket and shoes, revealing her long tie dye shirt that comes down mid thigh. Gavin knows just what those thighs are capable of and would do anything to feel them rubbing against his skin but can't afford to get side tracked right now.

He groans tiredly before dropping a bottle in front of her "You know better, Elle. Archie is not like that and he loves Philomena with everything in him" he watches as her full cheeks hollow forming a frown. The word 'love' nothing good ever comes from it

"Sounds like something an accomplice will say" Gavin slams his hands down on the counter scaring her in the process before spreading his arms wide

"Is there something you want to say Elle because you have been beating around the bush since you came in here and I would very much appreciate it if you went straight to the point" Elle looks at him in silence initially and stomps past him to retrieve the white wine in the fridge and a glass for herself.

Green eyes follow her movements, drawn to her like a lamb to the slaughter. He mindlessly wraps his arm around her waist, leaning his body onto hers and breathes in the sweet rosy smell of her body mist

"I missed you..." Elle freezes as her heart beats rapidly, responding to him and betraying her

"You made it clear there is someone far better than me waiting for you" she says holding back the pain as she steps out of his arms creating space between them

Gavin has been beating himself up for what he said for days. He was only trying to get her to hate him and leave because he could never find the strength to do it. He needs to be ready to return to Luxembourg when called but that won't be possible if he is still tied to his sweetheart

"I was wrong_"

"Archie should pray we don't cross path because I will mess him up" she effortlessly cuts in, changing the topic

Gavin gets the message loud and clear. We are done but still keeps his eye on her. No matter how much she gives him it is never enough. She brought out the hungry side of him

"She was pushed down the stairs after being beaten by the people she lives with and it was too late by the time we got there. She was already unconscious and barely breathing. Archie rushed her to the hospital" he watches the anger bleed into her cheeks "If there is anyone you should be thanking it's him. He is the reason why she has a fighting chance"

Elle is not good with emotions. When she feels too much, she begins to cry. Exactly what is happening now as she is overflown with so much anger that the salty tears make a trail down her cheek.

Gavin's heart caves at the sight of her crying and pulls her into his arms. He whispers sweet nothing into her ears as she cries out her pain and anger.

"Look at me..." he coaxes her to look into his eyes "I didn't mean what I said because no one on earth can capture my attention like you do and I am a stupid man for loosing you" she watches his eyes for dishonesty and finds none

Gavin's eyes move to her dark red lip remembering the feel of them against his and the way she drives him mad with those hips. Without hesitating Gavin captures her lips with his in their first ever gentle kiss. He wants to savor the moment because all things aside he still has an agenda to return to Luxembourg the same way he left: alone.

Elle remains frozen weighing her options but eventually gives in knowing that she has missed this. She has missed him being in her space and holding onto her for dear life. The connection for her is like a live wire and she can feel the power and possession being transferred. He wants her just as much if not more than she does

Gavin carries her to his bedroom, holds her against the closed door as her fingers fumble with his belt and he finally succeeds at pulling off her shirt. He drinks in the sight of her surrendered body just how he likes it, things only intensify when she holds his girth in her hands confidently. Gavin kisses her whilst moving her lace panties to the side and pushes into her forcefully, pulls out to the tip only to slam his way right back into her making her back collides with the wood.

The pain mixed in with the pleasure renders her speechless as she hugs him close to her chest. Gavin swallows her please with a kiss, slipping his tongue into her mouth for a taste as he has been craving her like an addict on a low. A few more pumps and she feels the calling of an orgasm and doesn't hold back. Combusting with pleasure as he bends her over the bed. Her high is not over when he pushes into her again.

Gavin watches in fascination the way her body ricochets off his as she absorbs everything he is giving and throwing it back harder. Just how he likes it. He sees her trying to look back at him and pulls her to his chest by her neck. Taking her lips into a punishing kiss for making him feel something. His climax happens just as she orgasms, sucking everything he has to give greedily as a few tears make an escape down her cheeks. She has just invested everything she has into him willingly as he falls by her side tired and pulls her to his chest.

No words are said as he kisses her gently, a silent promise to come back for her and for her to wait but how long can a drying pond of love last before one has to go out in search of more.




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