Part 21

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"She doesn't deserve this" Charles appears at her side to comfort her

"She is nothing but a gold digging whore who deserves only the worst in everything. Philomena I trusted you when I told you we were together and you are still forcing him to marry you" Lele lunges for her again but is held back by Charles who whispers sweet nothing into her ears

"Now you listen to me, hell will freeze over before I make you mine" he says shocking Philomena

"I get it you were hurt when you found Rod and Rochelle having sex in his room but that is no reason for you to go around hurting all your friends for your own selfish gain"

"That is not what I am doing"

"Then what is it that you are doing cause this shit started off funny with Noah and now its me and it is not funny. What did I do to you?"

"Will you shut up and listen to yourself" Charles pulls Lele behind him and stands nose to nose with Philomena

"You will watch your tone when talking to my girl. I am not above fucking you up behind closed doors"

"Lele I know what that feels like to be with an unfaithful man. I know how it feels to be the other woman, to be cheated on and you know that. I didn't go through all that I have with Rodney just to do it to you. You have to listen Le-"

"Bullshit! You really know how to play the victim in every situation"

Lele herself knew that was a low blow but could not bring herself to apologize or feel sorry for it. She has just defended her man and proven herself to be faithful and brave to him. Her eyes say it all, we will never be friends ever again.

Noah intercepts carefully grabbing both of Philomena's hands in his whilst blocking her view of Lele locking lips with Charles.

"Thats enough drama for today Philomena, just leave" Philomena's pain filled eyes travel up to his disinterested one as shame fills her to the core making the floodgates she's been holding back open

She turns to leave catching sight of Rochelle being comforted by Rodney and Nick's new girlfriend. She is the reason why I'm here, she is the other woman.

The air nips at her skin as she wanders to the back of the hall whilst wiping salty tears that have now ruined her once perfectly done makeup.

"Those lips of yours have been quite busy" Rodney calls from behind making stop in her tracks and turn "they sure will do wonders on junior " he says motioning to his lower region

"Dead things don't rise" she snips back turning to leave

"Your standards have really gone down since I had you. You are now happy with being big ol Charles side chick. Damn I really should shoot my shot again since you're giving every guy a free express ride" His words stop her in her tracks. Is that what everyone really thinks of her? Has she really become the twins whore?

"Says the one controlled by a shrimp dick" she says turning to face him again "Tell me, how long does it take for Rochelle to find your dick and does she do that thing everyone you sleep with does when they breath out of their mouth to avoid smelling your dumpster breath"

"You once loved this shrimp dick"

"Once upon a long long time" She stomps away from him and just wandering the outside of the hall. So lost in thought that she does not pay attention to the change in temperature. She comes across and employee only door but in a moment of not caring she enters and takes the elevator to the roof.

With the mistakes and lies of everyone buried in chips on her shoulder she steps out of the elevator. Surprised to see a hunched over figure of what looks to be a man blowing fumes into the air.

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