Chapter Thirty Six

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Chapter Thirty Six

"Hello?" I clicked answer on my phone. It was Harry.

"Did you sleep with Colton Haynes?"

I rolled my eyes. "Good morning to you too and no I did not. Did Sandra call you or something? She slept with Tyler Posey probably."

"Well, Avery I think said you were out with Colton Haynes ALL NIGHT when I called your house," Harry responded. "Wait, who's Tyler Posey? And then, Niall said he saw you walking out of a hotel with some guy and-"

"Wait," I froze. "Is Niall..."

"In New York?" Harry finished my sentence. "Yes. Wait if you didn't sleep with Colton then why were you-"

"It's a long story," I sighed, interrupting him mid-sentence. "I didn't sleep with him, I didn't kiss him, we're way too emotionally unavailable for that."

"So Nialler still has a chance," Harry chuckled. 

I groaned. "If you were here, I'd hit you."

Harry was quiet. "You still didn't let him explain, did you? God, Teagan, you are SO bloody stubborn."

"There's nothing to explain," I snapped.

"Actually," he corrected me. "There is. Holly walked into Niall's room while you were taking a shower, he told her to get out but she didn't and she grabbed him and kissed him when the door opened cause she knew it was you."


Suddenly, I felt incredibly stupid and judgemental and I kinda felt like there was a chance I was being lied to.

"Yeah, well, how do you know that's true? What if Niall's lying?" I retorted. If Harry was here with me, I'd cross my arms.

Harry sighed. "Remember what you told me when Caroline and I broke up? Trust is the base of a relationship. Without it everything falls apart. Remember that? Yeah, now that's what I'm telling you. You're supposed to believe him, Teagan."

I swallowed. "Yeah, well that's kinda hard when he does something like that! Maybe I'm a stubborn bitch but- wait did you tell him I slept with Colton? Cause I didn’t!"

"Uh," I could tell Harry was having a hard time answering this. "Maybe? That's what we all thought!"

"I didn't sleep with Colton!" I practically yelled.

A group of girls around 14 stared at me strangely as they walked by. Shit. 

"Okay, okay," Harry replied dismissively. "Are you telling me you don't trust Niall?'

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