Car Rides and Dinner Dates

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When we got out of the elevator, Lee led me to a very nice looking car, something that I wouldn’t be able to afford in five lifetimes.

“Wow, you must be someone important.”

Lee hurried and opened my door. I should have moved to England long ago, where chivalry isn’t dead. “Oh, yeah, I just like nice cars.”

“I’ll say.”

After I gave him my address and he put it in his GPS, we drove in comfortable silence until a familiar song came on the radio.

“This is them! That band I was telling you about! Are you a fan?”

Again, he gave me a weird look. “One Direction? Yeah, their stuff is pretty good. I heard that they’ve been writing a lot more, so it’s a lot less bubblegum pop and more real.”

“Either way, I like it. It’s fun to sing along to.”

We lapsed into silence again and listened to the song. When it ended, Lee piped up.

“So Daisy, what brings you across the pond?”

“I wanted a change of scenery. Nothing was happening in my life, so I decided to make the change.”

“How old are you?”

“26. You?”

“22. Did you always want to work in marketing?”

“No, when I was little I wanted to be a writer.” I smiled at the memory. “But I decided on public relations instead. Marketing goes hand-in-hand, so that’s why I’m here.”

“What did you want to write?”

I stared out the window.  I wanted to write something that gave people hope. Something that would help when times got tough and there was nothing else to hold on to. A world that you can escape into when everything around you started to crumble. But I can’t tell him that.

“Something that made someone feel better. Even just one person. That would make all the difference.”

My phone buzzed with an email. “Oh, looks like word of my coffee spill made it up to the seventh floor and I have the rest of the day off. Now you won’t be stuck giving me a ride back to the office,” I joked. But wait, what if he didn’t plan on giving me a ride back? Did I just unvolunteer him?

“That’s a shame, I’ve been having a great time getting to know you. We’re almost here.”

And he was right. The neighborhood was starting to look familiar.


“You’re home early! What happened to your shirt?”

Ronda, my roommate, was busy watching Doctor Who. She was seriously a God-send when it came to roommates. She loved all the same shows as me and already knew me better than I knew myself. Even better? We wore the same size in shoes and clothes, so both of our closets instantly doubled.

Ronda moved to England two years ago. We had known each other briefly in college, and when a mutual friend learned that I was moving here, she instantly connected us. Turns out, Ronda’s then roommate was moving and she needed someone to take the spot. Perfect timing.

“I literally ran into someone at work and he gave me a ride home. Mr. Parker gave me the rest of the afternoon off. My “I’m new and American, take pity on me” card has been wasted.”

“Wait, did you say that ‘he’ brought you home? Who is he and is he cute and single?”

“Lee is very cute, and I didn’t ask if he was single, but I did get his number.”

Ronda jumped up and down and clapped. “Yay, you are mingling! I was so worried you would stay holed up in that room of yours!”

“I have been unpacking, thank you very much!”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” 

I climbed the stairs as she turned back to the TV. Ronda worked as an editor at a publishing house in here in London, and got to edit the manuscripts from home. Perks of being good at your job!

As I reached my door, I felt a buzz from my purse.

*I’m glad I “bumped” into you today. Sorry about the shirt. -L

I smiled. No, I can’t have a crush. I just moved here, and it’s too soon. But it would be rude not to text back.

*Me too! But please don’t text and drive, text me whenever you make it back to where you’re going! -D

There, that was responsible but not flirty.

I hopped in the shower and turned on my bluetooth speaker. That thing was seriously the best investment ever. I washed off the coffee and stress of my new job as I sang along to whatever came on my Pandora. I’m a terrible singer, but I love it, and after a day like today, I needed it. The first big meeting with a band takes place next week and I’ve been scrambling to get ready.

As soon as I get out of the shower, I hear my phone go off.

*I made it home in one piece. No texting and driving for me. -L

*Thank you, it means a lot to me. -D

*Do you have plans for this weekend? -L

“Ronda!!!” I raced down the stairs. She met me at the entrance to the living room.

“What is it? Is everything ok?” She looked panicked. To her defense, I did just run down the stairs screaming.

“Lee just asked me if I have plans for this weekend.” I showed her the phone and she started laughing.

“What do you need me for? Tell him that you don’t.”

“But, I can’t date. I mean, I didn’t come here to find a man. I came for my career.”

“Then just think of it hanging out with a coworker…who happens to be of the opposite gender and cute.”

I gulped. “Is it too soon?”

She started to laugh, but saw how serious I was. “Daisy, it’s been three years. He wouldn’t want you to hold on forever. But if you aren’t ready to make friends with men yet, then tell him you’re busy.”

I grabbed the rings that I wear around my neck. “Do you think that I could just hang out with him? And it would be ok?”

She grabbed my shoulders. “Daise, you are allowed to go out and have fun. Make friends, explore a new city, and be happy. I know he would want you to.”


*I’m free on Saturday. But this isn’t a date. -D

I sent it before I could regret it. As soon as I sent it, my phone went off.

*This is just two people getting to know each other. -L

Just a Modest! Relationship (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now