Bonus: Ronda TGIF

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"Ronnda," Niall danced his way up to me. "Daisy's not a fan anymore."

"Huh?" I asked, confused.

"She can't be," he assured me, moving in closer to dance with me. "You're my favorite."

I blushed, despite knowing that he was sloshed and probably didn't know what he was saying.

"Thanks, Niall."

"She's not allowed." He continued dancing awkwardly; I couldn't decide if it was the alcohol or if he really just couldn't dance. "My favorite."

"I think it's about time to head home," I replied, moving closer to him. The alcohol was starting to take its effect and I didn't really know if I actually wanted to leave this adorable Irishman. He placed his hands on my hips as my arms circled his neck and he seemed to regain some of his balance as he continued to dance, bouncing and swaying to the music, following my lead.

"Okay--no--dance--favorite--" his murmurs were becoming indistinct and then his lips were on mine and I could taste the Guinness he'd been drinking. Our bodies were still swaying a bit to the music and I could feel people bumping into us as the crowd continued to dance around us.

"Strawberry," Niall muttered, licking his lips as we parted momentarily. "Tastes like strawberries." And then his mouth was back on mine, his tongue finding its way into my mouth, chasing the taste of the strawberry daquiri I had drank before joining the dance floor. His hands were pressing into my hips in a demanding manner and I vaguely noticed that I'd pulled him in closer, not allowing him to easily move away.

I knew he was drunk and I was pretty tipsy myself; that didn't stop me from snogging him. Who could resist this boy? Definitely not me. At some point, his first coherent sentence came out as: "Come home with me? Please?" I only nodded in response and he was pulling me out of the crowd and towards the door within moments.


"Off--off--" Niall muttered into my mouth, unable to kiss me and unzip my dress at the same time in his inebriated state.

I giggled and turned around so he could unzip me. "Better?"

I felt his hands unzip the dress about halfway before he got distracted with kissing my neck. I wasn't one to protest, pulling the dress off the rest of the way myself.

"Gorgeous," Niall murmured, hands sweeping up and down my sides. He pulled me towards the bedroom, back to kissing me, stopping only to shuck his shirt off before pressing me back onto the bed.

My hands were immediately torn between holding his head closer to kiss him and feeling his toned abs with his shirt out of the way. As Niall moved to kiss my neck and then fighting my bra off with minimal help on my part, I acknowledged that the man definitely knew what he was doing, gasping as he flicked his tongue across my nipple before pulling it into his mouth and lightly sucking. He paused his adoration of my breasts long enough to push my panties out of the way and thrust a finger into me. His mouth was back onto mine as I gasped against him, groaning as he continued his ministrations. I pushed him back just far enough to unbutton his jeans and he quickly rolled off of me to get rid of them. He reached over to the nightstand and rolled a condom on faster than I'd expected in his drunken state. As he moved back over me, I realized he hadn't been wearing boxers under those tight jeans as he pulled my underwear down my legs and off.

His mouth returned to mine with a soft "so pretty" and then his fingers were back in me and I was thrusting against him. I could feel his hard length against my leg and wanted nothing more than him in me right then. "Niall -- Niall, please -- you, Niall --- please," I barely coherent, but he seemed to get the picture, quickly pulling his fingers out and pushing into me. He groaned as he bottomed out and didn't move until I'd started squirming beneath him, begging once more.

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