The Start of Something More?

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“Well, that was… better than I thought it would be.” Mr. Parker was the first person to speak up when the album finished playing.

Everyone around the table looked at each other, and I hoped that we were all thinking the same thing: it was good. And not just ‘they have talent good.’ It was ‘go #1 on iTunes in minutes good.’

Annie spoke up next. “I think the world will be missing out on a masterpiece if we don’t release this.”

I nodded my head. “This is what the fans want to hear.”  My eyes bulged. Wait, did I say that out loud?

Mr. Parker scoffed at me.  “Ms. Allen, you have it under good authority what the 15 year-old demographic will buy? With your vast experience in record sales?”

“Well, no, but I know that this is something that I would want to buy. And that the fans that have grown up with the band would buy.”  I looked at Liam for reassurance before locking eyes with Mr. Parker.  Knowing that he isn’t my boss anymore has given me a new found confidence.  “Frankly, I think not releasing these tracks and going for a more mainstream feel will only hurt record sales. If you got on Twitter or Tumblr, you’d see that thousands of fans are dying to hear songs that are written by these five young men. About their lives, their experiences, and their feelings. You’d be giving the fans what they want, and they are the ones buying the CDs, concert tickets, and paying your paycheck.”

My eyes stayed locked on Mr. Parker. He narrowed his at me and waited. Annie took that time to speak up.

“I think releasing this will make my life easier.  Releasing something so heartfelt to an eager audience is a public relations dream.  It should make marketing easier, too, Parker.  I back Daisy on this one.”

Mr. Parker closed his eyes and rubbed his brow.  “I want these tracks refined and a narrowed down list of thirteen songs on my desk in two weeks.  You have a month to get me four songs to release as special edition tracks.  We’re done here.” He got up swiftly and exited.

A slow clap began from the other side of the table. “Daisy, Daisy, Daisy. Well said. I think you deserve a drink.” Louis came over and slung his arm around my shoulder.

“Yes, Daisy, that was very well put.” Annie chimed in as she gathered her things. “I didn’t know you had that much of a bite in you. You’ll do well to keep that up around these five. I’ll see you tomorrow, not bad for your first day.”  With a wink, she walked out and headed downstairs.

Liam came up and pulled me into a hug. “Thank you for sticking up for us.  What did you really think?”

I pulled back to look him in the eye, without leaving his embrace. “Mr. Payne, do you think I would lie to you? I really do love your new sound.  I might just take that demo for my own personal iTunes.”

“Sorry, Sunshine, that is Top Secret stuff. Can’t have it leaking to the public, yeah?”  Liam smirked down on me.

I pouted just a little. “But I could get started on campaign and photo shoot ideas. If I had it now, I could have more time for extra great ideas.”

“Guys, what do you think? Can Daisy take the cd home?” All of the guys stopped pretending that they weren’t listening and chimed in their own stipulations. 

“Only if she cooks for us.” Of course that was Niall.

“Only if she becomes my assistant for a day.” 

“Only if she cleans my bathroom.”

“Only if she lets me pick my own outfit for the cover shoot!”

Just a Modest! Relationship (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now