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The rest of the week passed in a blur, and before I knew it, Friday was here.

 As soon as I got home from work, I got a text.

*Management wants us to go out tonight for publicity. Still want to join us? -L

I walked into the living room, finding Ronda buried in a manuscript.

“How would you feel about hitting some clubs with One Direction tonight?”

Her eyes bulged and she immediately started nodding her head. “Yes, yes, a million times yes!”

*Sounds perfect. I’m bringing Ronda as my wing-girl. -D

*Of course Ronda can come, but you won’t need a wing-girl with me by your side ;) Pick you up at 10. -L

*See you then :) -D

“Liam will be here at 10! So that gives us…” I glanced at my watch, “Five hours to eat and get all dolled up to sweat it off with dancing tonight. I’ll call in some Chinese food.”


*We’re outside! -L

“It’s time to go!” I turned to Ronda, and we headed downstairs. We both went all out tonight and getting ready was a party in itself. I decided to wear a backless black dress that hit mid-thigh and Ronda wore a strapless emerald dress that fell a little closer to the knees. Paired with our stilettos, we knew the boys wouldn’t be the only ones turning heads tonight. 

We got to the door. “Ok, let’s do this!”

Outside we were greeted by a limo. Liam got out just as I was locking the door and helped Ronda into the limo. I heard her making introductions as Liam and I just stared at each other. 

“Wow. You look beautiful. Spin for me?” I did as I was told. He let out a low whistle and pulled me close. “I won’t have eyes for anyone else tonight,” he whispered in my ear. I looked up and met his eyes. My heart was racing, and I knew I wouldn’t have eyes for anyone else, either.

“Guys, let’s go! I’m ready for a drink!” Louis was standing in the sunroof, so we obliged him and got into the limo. After several nods of approval from the rest of the guys, the limo took off and we headed to our first stop. Ronda looked like she was having the time of her life and Niall was already flirting shamelessly with her. I made polite conversation with Harry, but Liam kept his hand on my knee the entire time.  After what felt like no time, we pulled up to the first club.

“Alright guys, this is stop number one. Remember, we need to hit three clubs tonight, so pace yourselves,” Liam directed. I loved how he took control of everything.

As we got out of the limo, flashes started going off immediately. Someone at Modest! must have tipped off the press where we were going. “One Direction!” “Liam! Who is that with you!” “Harry! Who’s heart are you breaking this week?” Questions and flashes came from every direction, and Liam ushered me inside quickly. He led us to the VIP area and immediately got a corner booth. 


“So, pick your poison!” Niall ordered an array of shots as soon as we got here, joining our bottles of champagne on the table.

“Um, I’m not sure. You pick!” Niall handed me something with clear liquid in it. “What’s this one?” I asked.

“Dunno, I told them to bring two of everything. There’s only one way to find out!” He downed his shot like a champ.

“You don’t have to take shots if you don’t want to,” Liam whispered into my ear. “You can just sip champagne. Don’t feel like you have to get wasted tonight.”

I looked at him quizzically. “A couple shots won’t hurt. It’s been a long week. And I trust you not to let me get too crazy.”

Liam just looked at me, picked up a shot glass and nodded.

“Alright. Full steam ahead.” We took a shot together, and it burned going down. “Whew. It’s been a while since I’ve drank, so I won’t be putting much back tonight anyway.”


“Daaayyyyzzzeeeee!” Niall stumbled up to me.

“Yes Niall?” I had only a couple shots and a few glasses of champaign over the course of the night. Niall, however, had already downed an entire bottle of something at the second club and was well on his way to doing the same at our last stop.

“Liam said not to tell you, but he has a cruuuusshhhh on yooouuuuuu!” The giggling Irishman couldn’t contain himself. “He thinks you’re pretty, and smart, and that you smell good. So don’t break his heart. Or you can’t be a fan anymore!”

“Niall, you can’t kick people out of the fandom. I don’t think that’s the way it works.”

“It does because I say so. So don’t break Liam’s heart.”

“Liam and I are just friends. No heart breaking going on over here, I promise.”

“Ah, Niall doesn’t do well with keeping secrets when he’s drunk.” Liam snuck up behind us and I jumped. “Sorry about him.” 

Niall almost looked offended. “I can too keep secrets. I’m going to talk to someone else. I’m going to find Ronda.” The blond went off in search of my roommate. She would die of happiness with drunk Niall hanging onto her.

I turned to look at Liam. “So, you think I smell nice, huh?”

He blushed in the dim lighting. He hadn’t had very much to drink, so I know the rosiness in his cheeks wasn’t from that.

“I might have said that at some point.”

“It’s ok; I think you smell nice too.” Did I just say that out loud? From the smile on his face, I think I did.

“Now that we’ve established that we both smell nice, how about we dance?” He held out his hand, a silent offering.

“Ok, but I’m a terrible dancer.” I grabbed his hand and he led me to the floor.

Liam looked back with a grin. “So am I, I’m a member of One Direction.” Once we reached the middle of the floor, Liam stopped and put his hands on my hips as we started to sway with the beat. “Just relax!” He yelled over the music.

I tried. I closed my eyes and turned around so we were grinding, and it worked. The alcohol had numbed me just enough that I wasn’t thinking about what I was doing or if I looked stupid. For the first time in a long time, I felt free.


We danced like that for a few more songs until the DJ announced that last call was starting at the bar. Liam leaned forward and whispered into my ear, “Are you ready to get out of here?” I nodded. He led me back to our booth where I had left my clutch. I checked my phone and there was a text from Ronda.

*Left w Niall, don’t wait up ;) -R

i swear autocorrect made that text readable. I looked up and Liam was checking his phone too. “I think all of the lads left us. Is Ronda still here?”

“No, she took off with Niall. It’s just us. Did they leave the limo?”

“One way to find out.” Liam pulled out his phone and made a quick call. After a couple of minutes, he hung up. “Louis, Harry and Zayn took it, but management is sending a car for us. It should be here in a few. Do you want one last drink while we wait?” I nodded and he disappeared into the crowd. I stood where I was and Liam quickly returned with two glasses of champagne.

“Here’s to smelling good.” 

I smiled, “To smelling good.”

We toasted and took a long drink, never taking our eyes off of each other. When we were about half-way through, Liam’s phone beeped. “The car is here.”

We finished our drinks and hurried outside where paparazzi and a car were waiting. We got inside and the car took off.

Between the alcohol and the newfound silence, I fell asleep watching London pass us by in the windows.

Just a Modest! Relationship (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now