2. TordMatt - Beauty day

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Matt's Pov

Ahh today is my beauty day! I was planning this day for a week, because usally I'm too busy to REALLY take care of my perfection! Of course I do my best to do some of that every day, but I can not always make it. However today will be diffrent! As soon as I stand up from bed I made my way to kitchen to make me and my boyfriend some breakfast. I made acai bowls and pour cold water with strawberries to two glasses. As I set breakfast on table Tord came into room. He's hair was a total mess and he still got sleep on his eyes. Even though he looked beautiful.

"Good morning Cherry!" I said, using his cute nickname.

"Morning Nydelig" He murmured and hug me from behind. Nydeling means gorgeous in norvegian. "Why did you wake up so early?"

" 'Cause today is special day Tord! My Beauty Day!"

"That explains your tumblr bowls and fancy water." He smiled and kissed me on my cheek. "It looks too beautiful to eat it."

"You've said that I am also beautiful, but last night you ate me anyway~" I smiled playfuly, wchich made Tord chuckle and blush a little.

- After hella tasty breakfast - 

"Soo Tord, what are you planning to do today?" I asked, while waching my boyfriend to clean after breakfast.

"Nothing special. Why are you asking?" He finished washing the dishes and got closer to me. 

"Well I was just wondering, would you like to join to my Beauty Day?" I asked with a sparkle of hope in my blue eyes.

"How could I say no to you?" He chuckled and kissed lightly my nose. "Of course I'll join you."

"Fantastic! Let's start immediately!" I grab his hand and we both run to bathroom. I started to fill the tub with hot water, while Tord droped the blinds and lit candles. In the meantime i put on CD with classic music which was my favourite. When tub was full I dropped purple bath bomb in it. Water had a beautiful liliac color. I started to take off my clothes, but Tord stopped me.

"Let me help you with that~" He said and started to take my clothes, slowly. Occasionaly he kissed me somwhere on my bare skin, which made me blush. I thought that it's not fair that only I am naked, so I took of his clothes. I carefuly watched every inch of his body and running my hands everywhere on his chest and back. Soon we entered the tub. My back was leaning on Tord's torso. It felt soo good. After a few seconds Tord gently started to massage my back. I murmured from plessure. This whole moment was pure perfection for me. Laying with my loved one, surrounded by warm, scented water, listening to classical music. I felt cute, soft kisses on my neck.

"I love you Matt~" Tord whispeared in my ear, and huged me thight.

"I love me too." I answeard, while giggling softly. I turned around, so now my legs were tangled around Tord hips, my cold hands grabbed gently his hot shoulders. He made that puppy face, which made me giggle again.

"Don't cheat on me with yourself. I love you way more than you love yourself!" He said seriously. But soon we both bursted out of laughter.

"Okay, okay! I love you too Tord." I finally admired and kissed his lips. Our tongues were dancing in the rhythm of music. This kiss was filled with love for each other. It was one of those cute, gently yet passionate kisses. After a while I pushed my lips away from his, creating a tiny string of saliva between our mouths. I giggled and destroyed sthe string.

"Mind if I'll wash your hair Cherry?" I asked whith soft smile.

"Not at all love~"

I carefuly wet his hair, trying my best not to let water run down to his grey eyes. His hair were getting a little long, but I didin't mind. After they were all nice and wet, I poured some shampoo on my hands and gently started to massage his head. He murmered a few times from pleassure which made me smile. While washing his hair I kissed him a couple of times in random places on his face. He had calm, relaxed expression and every time I kissed him his smile grown bigger. After all his hair were covered in aromatic foam I tilted his head slightly so I could rinse the shampoo. He opened his eyes and kiss my forehead.

"Let me do the same." He asked. I nodded and turn around, so he was facing my back. I closed my eyes, tilted my head and focused on my feelings. Soon warm water was running down my ginger hair, Tord's fingers were combing  strands of my hair. It felt so right. Soon instead of water I felt some gelling subtance on my hair which I asumed was shampoo. Soon cool liquid turned into lavender smelling foam. Tord's hands were gently rubbing my head. I felt soft kiss on my shoulder which made me gasp slithly. It caught me of guard so of course Tord laughed a little.

"I love your reactions, they're so innocent and cute~" He said still laughing.

"At least I'm not purring like a freaking cat after sex~" I teased and smiled victoriously.

"Ugh hush you." He said with annoyed and embarresed tone.

"Dang I can smell that you are blushing now. The air smells like you blushing." I laughed and put my hands on his thights.

"Even if, I'm still the top one so it doesn't matter" He snorted and started to rinse the foam.

"We'll se about you being top one later~"

"Oh yes we will." With that sentense he put some conditioner on my hair.

~time skip brought to you by Tord and Matt being cute~

Right now me and Tord were laying on the couch with mask on our faces. Mine was fo sensitive skin and Tord's was hydrating.

"Why am I wearing this stuff on my face? I look like a cloud." He said, while looking at my mirror.

"Because it's beauty day and we need to take care of your skin." I answeard, galring at him. Yes, he did look like a cloud.

"Matt, that's gay."

"TURD! We've been dating for like two years!" I said really annoyed. Every time he made me irritated I called him Turd 'cause he fricking deserve it for making me irritated.

"Tord." He corrected me. "And sorry it just feels weird. It's bubbling on my face."

"Hush you cloud it's doing what it supposed to do."

"Don't call me cloud, shrimp." He said alluding to my pink face mask.

"Pfft. At least shrimps are tasty!" I said while taking a sip of my wine.

"Sure and clouds are made of cotton candy." He said sarcastically. He didin't like shrimps, which was sad 'cause I really liked them.

"Wait, so clouds are not made of cotton candy?" I said with a ton of a child who just found out that Santa Claus isn't real.

"Oh hush you shrimp." He laughed and took my hand. "I would kiss you, but I can't. Being a cloud is stupid."

For a second I thought of convincing him to cloud mask, but I really wanted that kiss. Dang it.

"Okay it it stupid let's take that off. I'm really hoping for that kiss~" I said while dragging him to the bathroom.

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