Fry: It was during y'all's funniest moments.
Bender: You were both going out to get more beer and someone tried to hit on you. Bender wrapped his arm a few times around you. "Eeexxxcccuuussseee me! But this mmmmmyyyyy girl!" he then looked at you and kissed you. How weird that was!
The Professor: He was tired (as usual) and leaned in for kiss for no reason. After the kiss he fell asleep.
Hermes: After a harsh delivery you walked off the ship and was pumbled by Hermes. "OH MY GRAVY BOATS! I thought I lost you, y/n!" He kissed you and you went wide eyed while everyone else said 'awwww'. Except Bender.
Dr. Zoidberg: After a 'successful' surgery her walked into the main office and instantly kissed you. Of course it was very weird do to his face tentacles. (My computer wanted to auto correct that to 'face testicles'.)
Roberto: After his first kill with you by his side, he looked directly at you. "H-HEY! Whats about a, a, a 'Awesome Kill' Kiss?!" You rolled your eyes and took him by his neck, kissing him.
(Requests? Should I add someone?)
Futurama Prefereneces
RomanceSo, I haven't seen ANY of these. Includes: Fry Bender The Professor Hermes Dr. Zoidberg Roberto (Should I add Leela?)