Life Mission (rewrite)

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Okay friends. We have neared the end of this book, mainly because I have no clue what else to give you information on. We've gone through auras, meditation, what an indigo is, the different types of star children, chakras, your Third eye, etc. etc..

One thing I have noticed as I've been browsing Wattpad is that a lot of writers like to write fictional stories about indigo children without knowing much about them in the first place. It never includes their own experiences, because it's a short story. Not an autobiography. I am sending you out with one last mission. A mission you can spend your whole life carrying out. One that will never ever end. This will give you something to do if you have not yet found your purpose. Your life mission, life goal.

Take what you have learned here and live it.
Take what you have learned here and love it.
But most importantly...
Take what you have learned here and share it.

Teach people about the uniqueness of the star children. Meet other star children. Find yourself. Share what you have learned with as many people as possible, for that is a mission that you can carry out until the day you die, and resume if your soul finds a new vessel. Don't just walk away from this to keep it all on the down low. I have created this book for a reason. To educate others on indigo children. I am living out this mission as we speak.

Also, never forget to keep smiling. It may not make you feel happy, but seeing others smile back at you will. Now go be the amazing people I know you are.


I hope this book has aided you in finding who you are. Don't forget to hit the star and leave a vote if you enjoyed your journey and if this was helpful. Also, if you have any more questions, feel free to message me at any time.

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