PART 1: Prologue - This Hospital Stay

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Hello! This is my first fanfiction... Hope you enjoy! :D


I always hated hospital waiting rooms. The fact that I was in one was worse. The fact that I was also about to be checked over and prodded and poked by the doctors and nurses made the experience one I would really rather not go through.

"It's okay, darling. It's going to be fine." my mum said, grasping my pale hand.

Secretly, I didn't think it was going to be fine. I was worried. Call me a hypocondriac, but I was sure that there was something not quite right.

Every so often, my heart would do a little flip, or that's what it felt like. It was painful, a twanging pain like someone flicking an elastic band, stopped my from doing whatever it was I was doing for about five seconds.

But in the last few months, it had been happening more and more often. It used to happen perhaps once every several months, now it was becoming more frequent. It could happen as often as once a week and lasted as long as 30 seconds. It was scaring me.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by a doctor.

"Don't worry, Scarlett. You have slight muscular damage in your chest, probably caused by intense physical activity. It's nothing to be scared of. There's nothing I can do, but I'll prescribe you some painkillers. How about that?"

I nodded. The doctor seemed rushed and somewhat irritated, as if he thought we were wasting his time.

My mum butted in:

"Aren't you going to give her a scan?"

The doctor sighed impatiently, lost in the prescription sheet.

"Miss Black, a scan is really not necessary. Your daughter is fine. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have patients in need of my attention."

His message was clear: get out.

So we did.

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