
65 2 5

The blond girl is always the evil, popular girl who wants to ruin the protagonist's life, or there's the blonde bimbo that doesn't know a thing!

I walked over to an empty table, then I was bumped by Kristen, the most popular girl in school. "Watch where you're going, nerd!", she shouted at me. Then, she flipped her blond hair and sat with her friends.

"Oh my god! Check out these cool new dresses!!!", shouted Vanessa, her blond curls bouncing up and down. "I'm totally going to buy it!". "That dress is $300!", said Gavin. "That's way too expensive for you to afford!". "I don't even know what that means!!", giggled Vanessa, then she skipped away.

Seriously, this needs to stop.

This is insulting to all blond people.

It's getting very annoying to see almost every antagonist be a beautiful blond girl. For once, can't the antagonist have black hair or be a redhead?

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