John the Rebel

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I revel in the comfort of my bed, sleeping soundly like I should. Suddenly, I am awoken by my mother with the same conversation we always have in this situation:

"Wake up, it's time for school."

"No, mom, I don't want to..."

"Come on, it's not that bad."

"Yes it is, you don't understand..."

"Whatever. You don't want to be late."

"Yes I do."

Well, there's never anything I can do to stop it. And so, I must suffer another day of prison, another day of hell. School is the equivalent to a teenager's version of jail, and if you were me, you'd dislike it even more. It's not that I'm not smart, but it's the total opposite. I'm the smartest girl in my entire grade, but to everyone except for my only friend, that means I'm a nerd.

His name is George Harrison. He's in a band called the Quarrymen, with two other boys who go here too: Paul McCartney and John Lennon. He's shy like me, and he's pretty cute. I had a crush on him for a while, but I stopped after I realized he had a girlfriend. Why would he want to date an ugly girl like me anyway?

But let's get into the real discussion: his other two friends. Paul is lovely, but I wouldn't consider him my friend. I talk to him sometimes, and to be honest, he's the cutest boy in the whole school. I've got a crush on him, but I'm certain that I'm not the only one. Pretty much all of the girls have wet dreams about him every night. He's been with so many girls that I've lost count.

And then there was Lennon. John Winston Lennon, the baddest boy in the whole school, the teddy boy school bully. He's been suspended twice, and if he does it again, he'll be expelled. He bullies everyone, and I seem to be his main target. What's even worse is that I'm in every class with him. Thankfully, George is in a few of those classes too, and he sticks up for me when things get too out of hand.

As I was walking to my first class, I accidentally crossed his path and bumped into him."Watch it, you stupid bird!" He shouted. "I've got a show tonight, you can't be messing up my looks!" "Let her go, John. It was an accident." Paul warned. "I'll stick up for you anytime, sweetie." He winked and walked away. God, that boy is just an angel who fell out of heaven.

But unfortunately, that was probably the best thing to happen to me all day.

Or so it seemed..

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