A Different Side

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Homeroom is the lucky grace period before the pain begins. There are lessons that can be a pain, but mostly they're just participation points. But once again, the problem with the class was Lennon.

He passed me a note that I didn't even get to read before the teacher snatched it out of my hands and threw it away.

"No passing notes, Y/N. You know better."

I scoffed and glared at John, who was winking at me, mouthing the word "please".

A few classes later, John started shooting spitballs at everyone. But before he shot me, George stood up and took it for me.

"No, John. You're not shooting me best friend." He warned. "You know I'm just playing, George. I'd never want to hurt that sweet little

My eyes widened. John's sweet little girl? Not on his life. I'd rather cut my arm off than date John. The class giggled and whistled. "Lennon, were you shooting spitballs at people? Go to the principal's office." The teacher commanded.

As much as I hate to admit it, I did feel kind of bad for him. Sure, he was being annoying all day and almost shot a spitball at me, but from what he implied, he might not have meant it in a bad way? He's so weird.

At lunch, I sat with George like I always do, but he invited Paul and John over with him. Paul arrived first, sitting next to me and brushing his fingertips against mine. He simply winked at me. John walked over with bright scarlet cheeks, which he never has. Paul questions this.

"Are you ok, John? Why is your face so red?"

"It's none of your business, Macca, just continue flirting with Y/N."

"I wasn't flirting with her! Nothing's wrong with a simple handhold, is there?"

George laughs. "Yeah, that's what you say every time you flirt with a girl."

"I never flirt with girls! Only the cool ones, like Y/N."

John rolled his eyes and moved on from the awkward discussion. "So anyway, what's your verdict on coming to the show tonight?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Is that what your note was about?"

He nods. "Yeah, but the stupid teacher threw it away and yelled at you. Ok, I need an answer."

All of them are looking at me, like their lives depended on my decision. Paul gave me puppy eyes, George smiled at me, and John sat there with a blank expression.

I sighed. "I'll think about it."

During the last class of the day, I was busy on the dumb algebra sheet the teacher has assigned. George began to poke me with his pencil.

"What is it, George? Do you need help? I'll be glad to."

"No, I have to tell you something." He whispers directly in my ear while pointing in John's direction. "I think John likes you."

I jumped. "No way, he hates me."

"Are you sure about that? Have you not seen the ways he's been eyeing you? Have you not noticed how red his face gets when he's around you? He's got a crush on you, but he's way too shy to tell you."

"George! Be quiet and finish your work." The teacher called.

"Yes, ma'am."

As I was walking home, all I could think about was going to their show. I was so deep in thought that I didn't hear John calling my name from afar.

"Hey, Y/N. Listen, sorry about all the crap I put you through today. It'll mean the world to us if you came to the show, though. It starts at 8:00 at the Cavern, ok? Please try to be there."

I simply nodded in reply and continued on my path. I knew my mom wouldn't let me go to a show where teddy boys sing skiffle and rock and roll, even if George was a member.

But there was no stopping me from showing rebellion tonight.

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