Behavior Change

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John's POV

I was pleasantly surprised to see Y/N knocking on my window so late at night. Just yesterday she was the innocent one so fearful when I did the same. They grow up so fast...

"What are you doing here?" I ask, opening the window slightly.

"I can't stay with my mom tonight...she's insufferable. She doesn't like that I'm with you. I had to go somewhere else, at least for tonight."

"Oh. Well, you're more than welcome to stay here. Just you might have to go tomorrow, I don't want Mimi noticing." I pulled her in.

"What happened to trouble being fun?"

"Yeah, but Mimi's a bitch when she's angry."

"What do you think I called my mom last night?"

We laughed a little before she snuggled into my bed. I spooned her gently, falling asleep so easily with her in my arms.

"Goodnight, Y/N."

"Goodnight, John."

The next morning, I woke up somewhere entirely different, with the death glare of Mimi staring into my soul.

"What? Mimi?"

"You mind explaining who that girl was who I just had to kick out?"

"That was Y/N, my girlfriend. And you made her leave?! Why?!"

"Girlfriend? Are you sure she's not just another girl you're just going to shag once and it'll be over like Cynthia?"

"That was different! I've got to find Y/N..."

"No, you've got to get ready for school, you can find her there."

"Ugh, fine! God, Mimi, you're insufferable..."

Your POV

John was right. His aunt was a bitch when she was angry. She kicked me out and called me a slut!

Worst of all, my mom was right there on the couch just waiting for all of this to conveniently happen.

"Look who decided to come back."

"I didn't decide, I was forced. I would have stayed there forever if I had the chance."

She sighed and stood up, losing the fury in her tone. " Can I talk to you seriously for a second?"

"I don't know, can you?"

"That boy has messed with your mind. Convinced you to go full on rebel and follow in his havoc. You may love him, but he's not right. Just look at yourself. That's not you. I remember simply three days ago you were fine and hated this boy's guts because he bullied you. Now you're a feminine copy of him who shouts obscenities at me and most likely other people, stays out way too late, and commits a whole series of other rebellious actions. I want you back."

All at once it hit me. I've been morphed by John Winston Lennon. I run upstairs to the bathroom, taking off anything that looked rebellious, staring myself in the mirror and thinking, "what have I become?".

"I think it would be best if you would-"

"I know, mom, I know."

People who love Cynthia don't come after me... it just worked...

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