This Won't Work...

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No. Don't make me do it.

I know it's the right thing to do. I know it would help me get my life back on track. I want to be strong about it, but it's just so hard to let go...

His figure draws nearer and nearer. I can't keep stalling in my own thoughts. Here goes nothing...

"Hey, John..." I tremble.

"Hey, beautiful. You want to ditch this prison and head to my place? Mimi isn't home now, and sorry that she kicked you out last night."

"Well, actually I need to talk to you."

"Oh. Ok, what is it?"

"I don't think we can be together."

His face dropped all at once.

"What? But-but why?"

"Various reasons...I've told you my mom hates you and now she can't stand that you've transformed me into another you...she wants you gone...but please note that I still love you."

"Y/N, please, we can fix this-"

I was gone, like a dream in the night. Off to class like I should've been the day I skipped.

I managed to catch up relatively fast. The problem? Well, we've got Mr. Lennon to deal with. He decided to beg for forgiveness that I didn't need by passing notes, just like he did when he tried to win my heart. Real original, John.

"You're passing notes again, John?" The teacher scolded. "Stop at once."

"This is important..." he hid his head in his arms.

Later on, towards lunch, I came back to George and Paul.

"Hey Y/N! Where's John?" George asked, motioning for me to sit with them.

"I broke up with him. I didn't want to, but I had to. Life just doesn't want us together."

"Oh. Well, if you ever need anything, Paul and I are here for you."

"Yeah, we'll help you." Paul chimed in, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. At the moment, it felt great, but all was lost when John locked eyes with me and shook his head, as if it was a signal that I'd moved on.

"She might need our help for awhile." George whispered to Paul, who finally noticed John's saddened look from afar.

You're failing at being strong, Y/N.

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