Into the Void

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Chapter 4

Until now, I never knew your entire world can be turned upside down in an instant. If I told myself two days ago that I was never going to see my brother again, I wouldn't believe me. But, of course, I would be wrong. I sit in the family room, staring down at my feet. Chief Parker stands in front of me with my mom and dad. I fail to listen to most of what the chief has to say, the voices around me are muffled.

"Please, Jason. You're the chief of police, there must be something you can do..." My dad shakes his head.

"I'm sorry, Devin. There's nothing I can do. I know this is hard on your family but-"

"Are you kidding? Our son might be- might be killed. Because someone gave you false accusations." My mom folds her arms.

"Mrs. Freedon. Please understand that this is not an ideal situation. I know that. But until your son is screened, and we can confirm he is in fact not a homosexual, for your safety, he will have to be detained." The chief explains. I get up from the couch and start back upstairs. I walk into my room and sit down on my bed. I pick up my phone and look at it. No new messages. The time is 4:43 a.m. I put it down on my bed and take a breath. The police raided our house and took Bryan. My brother. A piece of my family, gone. I lay back down on my bed and close my eyes.

I wake up again two hours later. I stand across the street from the dress shop. The same dress sits in the window. Sherri has always liked it. Whenever we pass by the shop on our way home, she points it out. Now, she will never get to wear it.

The bus stops in front of me and I walk up the steps and sit down near the back. My ears ring with the sound of shouting, pounding on doors, the buzz of tasers, my brother's screams. I close my eyes, leaning my head back. A few stops down the street, I open my eyes. Nathan glances over at me, then sits down two seats in front of me. He turns to me, a look of disgust in his eyes. I break from his gaze and look out the window.

The scenery rushes by my vision, trees, and homes zipping past me. The bus ride ends and I step off. Eyes glance towards me. I approach the school. The administrator stands at the door, his eyes avoiding my gaze. I pull open the door and walk through, silent. I walk through the lobby, students milling about as usual. I spot Marilyn across the room. She gives me a quick glance, then hurries off. I head into the stairwell. I rush up the stairs to my classroom and take my seat.

The day seems different. Glares, avoiding glances, whispers, and stares. Fly through the air without empathy or care. I sit at the lunch table, all alone for once. Becca is nowhere to be seen. Marilyn is gone too. I knew this was going to happen. They now ostracize me out of fear that I too am a sinner. The rest of the day goes by in a haze. There's no point in reaching out to others. They will just see me as a threat and retract their hands. The bus reaches my stop and I get off.

The other students that get off either give me simple glances or just avert their eyes. I don't blame them. I turn down the street and start to walk. My bag swings behind me. The wind whips through my hair, the blonde cutting through my vision. I reach my home and walk up the stairs.

The little townhouse sits squished between two others. The brick is crumbling on the sides and is in desperate needs of repair, with vines crawling up the wall. The front garden is nothing more than a few shrubs and withered flowers. The home has always seemed quaint and full of character to me. Now, it seems to be quite the opposite.

I step inside to hear talking coming from the family room. Chief Parker sits on the couch in front of my parents. They all look up as I enter.

"Erica, please come in and sit." My dad moves over to make room for me on the couch. I sit down and face the police chief.

"Good afternoon, Erica. I've been speaking with your parents for a few hours and we've come up with a solution to your problem." The chief explains.

"What is that?" I sit forward.

"We need you, Erica. At this point in our investigation, Bryan isn't answering any of our questions." The chief takes a breath. "We have a feeling. That if you can get the answers we need, we will be able to confirm he is not a homosexual."

"How do we do that?"

"You. Erica. If you ask him to answer us, he will. You're the one he trusts the most."

I think for a moment. I look back up at the Chief.

"Ok. I'll do it."

Moments later I am in a police car. The chief speeds down the highway, the sun just barely peeking out over the trees. Chief Parker looks back at me in the rearview mirror.

"Are you doing alright, Erica?"

"I'm ok. I'm just nervous."

"It's probably just your hormones. Clouding your mind. Just like Bryan."

I bite my lip. He's right. Bryan must be terrified.


"But I will warn you. There's a reason why the detention center has been nicknamed 'The Void'." The chief explains. I nod.

I look out the window. The road is blocked off on the sides by concrete walls that scale upwards, blocking my vision from whatever is on the other side. Not another car passes by. The detention center comes into view. A looming building at the end of the road. Specifically designed to contain sinners. The chief parks in one of the few spots in front of the building. He pushes open his door, then walks around and opens mine. We start up the stairs to the main entrance. The chief covers the keypad with his one hand, obscuring my view as he punches in a code. He places his thumb on the scanner. I look back as a whirring sound captures my attention. A drone hovers in the air above the chief's car. The camera is aimed right at me. I hear a few clicks, and I look back as the chief opens the door. We step inside. The entry hall is covered with white walls. The hall is narrow and short with two bowls at the end of it. The virtual secretary's voice comes over a speaker as we step forward.

"Welcome, Chief Parker and Erica Freedon.

To the Michigan Homosexual Detention Center.

Here at MHDC, we strive for the community's complete protection.

For that reason, we ask that you remove all electronic devices,

and place them in the bins in front of you."

The chief and I reach the end of the hall. I pull my phone from my pocket and place it in the bowl. The chief does the same with his phone.

"Thank you. Until the end of your visit when the devices are retrieved,

they will be protected by an electric field that delivers a shock to

anyone other than yourself that attempts to remove your device. In addition,

As you entered the building, you were screened for any and all weapons. The only

weapons that are allowed in the building are the ones issued to Chief Parker. Thank you for your cooperation.

Bless you."

Author's Note: Happy reading! Question: Any theories as to what will happen next? Leave a comment below, I'm very curious in seeing what you think!

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