Shu X Reader

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This was suggested by FrootyPebelsDivk .

I've never done a X Reader before so you guys tell me if this is good. 😁 It might be short because I have no idea what I'm doing so bare with me okay my little bats. 💕

Y\N = Your Name
E/C = eye color


Running! That was all you could think about at that moment. You had to get away. You couldn't stay at that mansion. You had just gotten out of Shu's grasp leaving him inside the mansion while you were running into the woods. You ran and ran until you thought you had lost him. "What do they want from me? I can't stop thinking about it." You say to yourself while sitting up against a tree. You were tired and felt all numb. You had been running so fast you were completely out of breath. "Maybe I should just take a qui--" you sis but ended up falling into a little nap.


You woke up to the sound of noises in the leaves. "Hhuuu who's there?" You say with a mixed tone.  You were starting to get scared now. You started running again until you ran into something making you fall down. "My God why don't you watch where you are going?" A voice you knew all to well said. "I-I-I I'm sorry!" You managed to stutter out. Your face red from blushing. You thought Shu was cute but you didn't understand why him AND his brothers had to do what they do to you. Before you could say anything you were slammed back first into a tree. 

"Mmm Shu- Shu san why would y--" you were cut off by fangs going into the side of your neck.

"Mmm Shu- Shu san why would y--" you were cut off by fangs going into the side of your neck

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"Mmmmmmm" you squeaked out in pain." "God shut up and enjoy it." He smirked.  "I know you do enjoy it so don't try and hide it from me." He mumbled into the side of your neck.

" He mumbled into the side of your neck

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You couldn't lie. It did hurt when he bit into you but deep inside you kinda liked the feeling. "I dont know why you won't admit you like me." He said disconnecting his fangs from your skin. You looked up at his big blue eyes. They were staring straight down into your beautiful E/C eyes.  "I" you started to say but were cut off by lips touching yours. You were freaking out inside. You felt his body up against yours and you wrapped your arms around his neck. He lifted one of your legs up and you lifted the other up and he put both of his hands on your bum. His tongue was asking for a entrance in your mouth and you were about to open your mouth until you saw Reiji behind Shu. You pushed Shu from off you and said "Re-Reiji san I-I-I didn't see you there." He pushed his glasses back up and said "Isn't it a bit to late to be doing this?" He glared at both of you and Shu just rolled his eyes. "Hey how come Shu gets the fun, can I have a turn now please?" You all turn and see Laito standing there. "I don't think that would be appropriate right now." Reiji said. "Fine but tommorow your mine." Laito said with a purr in his voice. You shuttered and Reiji said "Let's just go back to the house. I'm in no mood to continue to stand out here in the cold." You guys nod and start to walk back. You let your mind wander a bit and thought about what would happen if you guys continued to kiss.


When you got back to the mansion you quickly ran to your room and closed the door. "I can't believe me and Shu kissed." You said quiet to yourself while slipping into your night gown. You laid down on your bed and pulled the covers up. You closed your eyes and let a deep sleep come over your body. You had dreams about it because your mind kept replaying that memory. You liked Shu. You enjoyed the kiss so much. You couldn't run away from the truth. The truth will follow you. The truth was you like Shu and you enjoyed that kiss.


Omg you guys. I suck so bad at this. Please go give FrootyPebelsDivk a follow. She was the lovely lady who requested this. Please tell me in the comments of this is good or bad. I've never read or wrote a x reader before so tell me if I did it wrong or it completely sucks. I will read some X Readers so I can get a clue for next time I write one. If you have a request feel free to comment down below and request something. I promise to get to it asap. Ily guys and until the next chapter peace out my little bats. 😘💕

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