Ayato X (Pregnant) Reader

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Your Name

E\C = Eye Color

H\C = Hair Color

It was a nice sunny Autumn day and you were outside taking a nice soothing walk. The nice cool breeze softly blowing your beautiful long (H\C) hair. "Wow! It's so pretty out here today!" You said to yourself while walking down a path. "I cant wait for you to come so me and you can take nice long walks together." You said to your stomach while looking down. You had always wanted a child. Ever since you had met Ayato and fallen in love with him. When Ayato found out he was in shock at first, but then became the happiest person alive. Just thinking about it made you smile brightly.

You proceeded with your walk until you heard footsteps behind you. Quickly turning around you laid your eyes on your red headed boyfriend. "There you are! I've been looking all over for you." Ayato said with a smirk.  "Sorry Ayato. I should have told you I was going to take a walk. Isnt it pretty out here?" You said with a small smile walking over to him holding your stomach. Ayato started walking towards you and put his hand on your bloated tummy. "It is very nice out here today. Is your stomach bothering you?" He asked with a bit of a concerned look. You giggled and took his hand in yours. "No, not at all. I just like rest my hands there. I can wait to be a mommy to our precious angel." You said while looking up into his green eyes. Ayato smiled. I cant either my love. He kissed you on the cheek and continued to walk with you.


You and Ayato had a great time on your walk, and you were now back at the mansion. "I dont know about you Y\N, but I'm starving!" Ayato said while taking your coat off. You giggled as his stomach growled. "You know I was thinking I'm a bit hungry as well." You said while looking at your stomach and rubbing it a bit. "Alright let's get in there and get some food!" He shouted happily. "Okay!" You said while following him. Ayato smiled when you entered the kitchen. "Look Y\N. I have your favorite! Takoyaki!" He said with the biggest smile on his face. You playfully rolled your eyes and laughed. "Honey I think that's your favorite, bit I'm so hungry I dont care." You said with a smile. He laughed and brought you over a plate. "Open wide and say ahhh baby." He said while making his mouth a O shape. You laughed and gladly excepted his food. Y'all had a good meal together and stuffed your face full of Takoyaki. "Oh wow, I'm so full Y\N!" Ayato explained while burping into his fist. You laughed. "Excuse you Ayato. I'm full to! I'm ready to lay down." You said while smiling. "Okay! Let's go lay down then." Ayato said while picking you up bridal style and carrying you to your shared bedroom.

You and Ayato were laying down getting ready to take a afternoon nap after your huge lunch. Ayato pulled you closer and wrapped his arms around you spooning you from behind. "I love you babe! I can't wait for you to give birth to our precious baby." Ayato said while nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck and rubbing circles on your stomach. You yawned while closing your eyes and holding on to one of his arms. "I love you so much too Ayato! I cant wait either my love." You said while turning around and kissing him passionately on the lips. You wrapped  your arms around his neck and held him close. Ayato returned the favor and kissed back passionately. "You are mine forever and you are going to be the best mom ever. I love you (Y/N)!" Ayato mumbled into the kiss. "I love you too Ayato! You are going to be the best father in the world!" You said back to him while kissing him. After a few more seconds y'all stopped and caught your breath. Ayato smirked and laid back down. "That's all for right now but just you wait. When that baby is delivered we are gonna be right back at it again. I cant stand not being able too f---" Ayto stopped as you put your finger on his mouth. "I get it Ayato." You giggled while turning around and closing your eyes. "I'll let ya." You said and smiled. He smiled back and closed his eyes and you both fell asleep to each others heart beats.


Admin~ Hey my little bats! I hope you all enjoyed this new X reader!! 😍💕 Please vote and comment down below  if you liked it or not. This is my first X reader since I've been back and I would love the feed back! I love you guys and I'll see ya in the next Chapter! 💕 Bye for now my little bats! 🦇❤

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2019 ⏰

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