Deadly Q & A

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It was only after Ryohei takes Ciel away that Sora let out the breath that he don't even know that he's been holding in.

'Seriously, what's with this world?' Sora thought, not amused at the entire situation. And the fact that he know nothing to do... where's that albino kid when you need him?

Sighing, Sora then turned to the rest of Ciel's guardians who still eyeing him like some kind of prey, this time, clearing his throat Sora decided  that it's better to speak up than trapped in this eerie silence.

"So... how do you know Ciel?" yet instead of answer, he received glares. Awkwardly, Sora tried again, "Okay... then, why are you guys here? don't you have fami-?"

"Stop talking..." Sora got cut by Kyoya's dark tone. And it says something remembering how the Carnivore usually the least to talk. But even after the verbal warning Sora won't back down. He even has his amber pair staring straight to the steel ones. 

Firmly and with authority he said, "Now, don't you dare to shush me. I am sick of your treatment and shall I tell you that I'm more stronger than you... ALL of you." the words was calm but the atmosphere clearly dropped to danger zone. in which Lambo even visibly flinched upon the KI the brunet emits. 

Sora then saw how they tightening  their grip on their weapons, he could tell that the only reason why they haven't attacked yet was Ciel's clear order from before. He's walking on a thin thread... but having worser experience in his own world, Sora's determination never waver.

"Just answer my questions already, It's not like I know you or anything. I just needed to know why am I here, where the heck am I, and what's my current situation..."

"-Then why did you asked for Ciel?" Takeshi asked, eyes sharp and glinting.

"Should I say that it's a classified answer..." Sora trailed a bit, noticing how the tension rised before then continue, "But I think it's just a fair trade since you've let me in. So okay, I'll tell you..."

Glancing to each one of them, Sora knew that they could be trusted. Exactly like how he trusted his own guardians before... the downfall.

"So... Ciel. Hmm, how to say it..." Sora hummed, thinking of the safest way to re-tell what Schnier told him to do.

"Someone is after his head." he said after a moment of silence, but it was followed by dark chuckles, before Mukuro explained, "Someone is always after his head. Which family this time that's the question..."

'Okay, uh- what...?'

Unaware of that previous fact, Sora tried his best to hide his shock. "Well, what I mean here isn't in the term that they actually want him dead. It's quite the opposite to be honest, they need him to be their leader."

"Why is that? And just who the fuck are they?" Hayato snapped.

"I can't tell you just yet because I might die afterwards, and believe me when I say that you'll be needing my help when things go south..." - but there is no trust Sora could see under those clouded eyes.

"Why should we ever trust you? As far I'm concerned, you could be spies for whoever's after Ciel." Takeshi frowned. Sora was unused to seeing a dark grimace in place of his usual glowing smile in previous worlds.

"If anything, you should be bitten to death for trespassing." Kyoya added, pointing his trustworthy tonfa at the brunet.

But Sora merely threw his hands in the air, but it was more in the mocking way than for defense. "Just kill me then. Though, I should warn you that I am connected to your beloved Ciel. If you kill me, he will also die soon after."

It was an empty threat - but no one dared to attack, not when they saw how... confident, the brunet had said those threatening words. 

It irked them, but none made another move.

--No one but the almighty Carnivore himself.
With one powerful swing, Kyoya sent the poor brunet flying for a few meter before crashing into the nearest wall.

What they didn't expect however, was the fact that they could hear a familiar scream from their leader from afar.

It sounded painful, causing them all to froze on spot, even Kyoya.

"W-What was that?" Lambo stuttered, but no one bothered to reply to him, too shocked at the situation themselves.

That is, until they hear Sora's groan, "Aw fuck... so you actually hit me, huh? Well congratulations! You're all idiots and you've just hurt Ciel! " He said this with sarcasm, inwardly flinching at the raw pain of his- no, not his- the guardians' faces as he cradled his pained arm.

"And here I thought you actually cared for the boy." Sora continued to taunt.

But he was shocked himself at how Ciel just screamed. After all, it had only been a big bluff on his part. 

'Was it coincidence, or...?' -Oh, how he wished for someone to explain everything to him, because he's confused as hell too.

But if anything, he knows that from now on, the guardians would most likely believe anything Sora would say and wouldn't hurt him.

—Physically, at least.

And for once, Sora is grateful for his luck...

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